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这里所说的节日,是中国传统节日,即农历中的节日。有些传统节日,现在的中国人已经不过了,但值得怀念。传统节日,承载着民族的文化记忆和情感记忆。元旦正月初一日。辛亥革命以后,公历的1月1日被称为元旦,正月初一被称为春节。春节有贴春联等习俗。据说,历史上第一副春联是五代十国时后蜀孟昶手书的“新年纳余庆,嘉节号长春”。人日正月初七日。正月初一日为鸡日,初二日为狗日,初三日为猪日,初四日 The festival here refers to the traditional Chinese festival, the festival in the lunar calendar. Some traditional festivals, now the Chinese are no more, but worth remembering. Traditional festivals, carrying the national cultural and emotional memory. New Year’s Day first day on the first day. After the Revolution of 1911, January 1 of the Gregorian calendar was called New Year’s Day, and the first day of the first month was called the Spring Festival. Spring Festival paste couplets and other customs. It is said that the history of the first couplets are the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms after Shu Mengchang handwritten “New Year satisfied that Yuqing, Jiashi No. Changchun ”. The first day of the seventh day of the month. The first day of the first month is the chicken day, the first two days are the dog day, and the third day is the pig day and the fourth day
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Background/Aims: Artificial liver support represents a potentially useful option for the treatment of severe liver failure. A sufficient ‘ dose’ might be cruc
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