Joy of Dessert: German Black Forest CakeBy Fariba Volland

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  Black forest gateau is a chocolate layer cake, heavy with cherries and swathed in loads of whipped cream. The sour cherries and sweet chocolate are so good together that one can understand why this has become one of the most desired cakes world-wide.
  Historians believe it originated in the late 16th century in the Black Forest Region, which is a popular tourist place in Germany with dense forests and beautiful high lands. Black forest region is known for its abundant (as earlier it was a custom for newly marrieds to plant a cherry tree) and beautiful cherry trees, which were said to be an inspiration for the black forest cake. The name, Black Forest, evokes darkness and mystery coming from the romantic German concept of forest-loneliness. During this era, chocolate was first integrated into cakes and cookies. Combine these cherries with the German’s love of chocolate, and you have this wonderful chocolate confection with cream and cherries.
  There are many other ideas on how the cake originally got its name. Some historians say that it is possible that the cake got its name from the traditional costume worn by women in the Black Forest Region. The black dress is the dark chocolate cake, the white shirt with Balloon puffy sleeves are the whipped cream, the red pompoms are the cherries, and the black undulating lace veil shielding the young women’s eyes are represented by the chocolate curls.
  The typical black forest cake contains several layers of chocolate cake, with oodles of whipped cream and cherries in each layer, further decorated with additional whipped cream, chocolate shavings and cherries. Also, in traditional black forest cakes, kirsch, which is a clear colorless fruit brandy which is made from double distillation of morellos is added. Today, other kinds of liquors like rum are used instead of kirsch, or a lot of times, black forest cake is made without any alcohol.
  So, are you already craving for it? Then go on and forget counting calories and simply indulge!
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