Design of Amplifier Circuit for the HT-7 Tokamak Thomson Scattering System

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxcnet2009
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Thomson scattering diagnostic is important for measuring electron temperature and density profiles.To improve the signal-to-noise ratio,a silicon avalanche photodiode(APD)with high quantum efficiency,high sensitivity,and high gain up to 100 was adopted to measure the Thomson scattering spectrum.A preamplifier,which has low noise,high bandwidth,and high sensitivity,was designed with suitable transimpedance.Using AD8367 as the post-amplifier,good performance of the APD readout electronics have been obtained.A discussion is presented on the performance of the amplifier using a laser diode to simulate the Thomson scattering light.The test results indicate that the designed circuit has a high amplifying factor and fast rising edge. So reduction of the integral gate of the CAMAC ADC converter can improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Thomson scattering diagnostic is important for measuring electron temperature and density profiles. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio, a silicon avalanche photodiode (APD) with high quantum efficiency, high sensitivity, and high gain up to 100 was adopted to measure the Thomson scattering spectrum. A preamplifier, which has low noise, high bandwidth, and high sensitivity, was designed with a suitable transimpedance. Using AD8367 as the post-amplifier, good performance of the APD readout electronics have been obtained. A discussion is presented on the performance of the amplifier using a laser diode to simulate the Thomson scattering light. The test results indicate that the designed circuit has a high amplifying factor and fast rising edge. So reduction of the integral gate of the CAMAC ADC converter can improve the signal-to- noise ratio.
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