一、怎样确定本课的教育目标? 本课是对学生进行集体主义教育的。集体主义是共产主义道德的实质,是无产阶级的道德区别于其他任何阶级道德的根本之点。课文分为三节,围绕着个人和集体的关系,层层递进。首先,说明在任何时代,个人总是离不开集体的,由此落脚到良好的学校和班集体,是学生获得德、智、体全面发展的重要条件。接着,说明良好的集体要由集体的成员大家共同
First, how to determine the educational objectives of this lesson? This class is for students to collectivism education. Collectivism is the essence of communist morality, and it is the fundamental point that the proletarian morality is distinguished from any other class morality. The text is divided into three sections. The relationship between individuals and groups is progressive. First of all, it shows that in any era, individuals are always inseparable from the collective, and thus settled in a good school and class collective, is an important condition for students to achieve moral, intellectual, and physical development. Then, explain that good collectives are to be shared by all members of the collective