当科技创业公司在IPO前愿意向任何人提供机会购买股票,甚是不惜贿赂科技记者时,泡沫破裂的一声“啪”似乎就在不远处。亚当·拉辛斯基(Adam Lashinsky),美国财富杂志(Fortune)的科技记者,在今年3月份采访了阿里斯塔网络公司(Arista Networks)的CEO杰仕瑞·乌拉尔(Jayshree Ullal)。科技记者采访初创公司CEO的事儿本就稀松平常,一位女CEO如何帮助新东家在同一领域与老东家竞争的故事大抵也就是那么个套路,在风起云涌的科技圈儿,这样一篇采访文儿顷刻之间就能被铺天盖地的IPO新闻淹没。就这样,两个月过去了,没想到这则已经沉下去的采访却因为一通电话重新
When tech start-ups were willing to offer anyone the opportunity to buy stocks before the IPO, a bust of tech reporters, the bursting of a bubble seemed to be not far away. Adam Lashinsky, a technology reporter at Fortune, interviewed Jayshree Ullal, CEO of Arista Networks, in March this year. Science and technology reporter interviewed start-up CEO CEO of this commonplace, a female CEO how to help newcomers in the same area with the old clubs, probably the story of the competition, in the surging science and technology circles, such an interview Moment can be flooded with overwhelming IPO news. In this way, two months later, did not expect this interview has been sank because of a phone call back