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数学思想和方法是数学知识的精髓,又是知识转化为能力的桥梁。目前初中阶段,主要数学思想方法有:数形结合的思想、分类讨论的思想、整体思想、化归思想、转化思想、归纳思想、类比的思想、函数的思想、辩证思想、方程与函数的思想方法等.提高学生的数学素质、指导学生学习数学方法,毋用置疑,必须指导学生紧紧抓住掌握数学思想方法是这一数学链条中的最重要的一环。许多数学家和教育家历来强调对中学生的数学思想教育,其目的就是要提高学生的数学思维能力和数学素养.在初中数学教材中集中了大量的优秀例题和习题,它们所体现的数学知识和数学方法固然重要,但其蕴涵的数学思想却更显重要,作为一个执教者,要善于挖掘例题、习题的潜在功能. Mathematical ideas and methods are the essence of mathematics knowledge and the bridge from which knowledge is transformed into competence. At the present stage of junior high school, the main methods of mathematics include: the idea of ​​combination of numbers and shapes, the idea of ​​classification and discussion, the overall idea, the idea of ​​transformation, the idea of ​​transformation, the idea of ​​induction, the idea of ​​analogy, the idea of ​​function, the dialectical idea, the idea of ​​equations and functions. Method etc. To improve students’ mathematics quality and guide students to learn mathematics methods, to use doubts, we must instruct students to firmly grasp the way of mastering mathematics. This is the most important part of this mathematical chain. Many mathematicians and educators have historically emphasized mathematics education for middle school students. Their purpose is to improve students’ mathematics thinking ability and mathematics literacy. In the junior high school mathematics textbooks, a large number of excellent examples and exercises are concentrated. The mathematical knowledge and mathematical methods they embody are important, but the implication of mathematics is even more important. As a coach, you must be good at digging the potential of examples and exercises. Features.
摘要在罗马法中,夫妻的贞操义务与罗马法上先后经历的两种婚姻形态紧密相连,本文主要分析了在有夫权的婚姻下与无夫权的婚姻下夫妻贞操义务的变迁,展现了夫权对夫妻贞操义务的影响和妻子在婚姻中地位的变化。  关键词有夫权的婚姻 无夫权的婚姻 贞操义务  中图分类号:D92 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2009)11-361-02    贞操义务,指的是夫或妻在性生活上的贞洁。在罗马法的发展
物,大体可以分为三类:一类是动物,如马、牛、羊等;一类是植物,如花、草、树等;还有一类是静物,如书、文具、小闹钟等。写状物 Objects can be divided into three categorie
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