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据有关部门的统计数字,我国现有股民已达3800万户,且还在继续增加。尽管股市险恶、狂风恶浪不断,但人们仍然前仆后继,奋不顾身地跳了进去,以求高额回报。尤其一些靠牙齿缝里挤出点余钱剩米的下岗职工,也将积累多年的血汗钱投资到股市之中,以求时来运转的奇迹出现。然而股市并不按人们的愿望涨落。她毫不理会股民们研习“波浪理论”以及夜夜计算K值D值等等“作业”的辛苦,并因而露出天使般的笑脸,却像黑白无常一样神鬼莫测地时不时弹跳一下,就让你悲痛欲绝或捶胸顿足,手舞足蹈或眩晕窒息。中国股市这几年虽有长足进步,对国民经济的发展发挥了重要作用,对几百家上布公司发挥了重要作用,对成就少数富翁起了重要作用,但却愧对最大多数的一般股民。一富翁成万民输。所以有经济学 According to the statistics of the relevant departments, the number of existing shareholders in our country has reached 38 million and has continued to increase. Despite the sinister stock market and the vicissitudes of the typhoon, people are still trying to jump in and seek high returns. In particular, some laid-off workers who earn more than enough money and left rice by means of tooth seams will also invest in hard-earned money for years to invest in the stock market so that miracles emerge from time to time. However, the stock market does not fluctuate according to people’s wishes. Her disregard for the “homework” painstaking study of “wave theory” and night-and-night calculation of K-value, etc., exposed her angelic smile but bounced from time to time like black and white erratic Let you grieved or beating, dancing or dizzy suffocation. Although China’s stock market has made great strides in recent years, it has played an important role in the development of the national economy. It has played an important role in promoting the development of the national economy. It has played an important role in the achievement of the minority rich. However, it is unworthy of the general public . A millionaire into a million people lose. So there is economics
Field experiments were conducted with five rates (0, 75, 150, 225, and 450 kg P2O5 ha-1) of seedbed P fertilizer application to investigate the yield of tomato