
来源 :泉州文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maoht1980
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一在夜的沉静里,往事模糊成雾状的背景,叠印的记忆随风唤起,寻找的目光,挤进岁月遗漏的缝隙,驱使我重新打开书架上那册存放已久的诗集《水乡的天空》。在灯光的映照下,眼前依稀浮现一幅朦胧而生动的画面:一张像桃花一样的脸庞,在缓慢畅流的溪水里,在城与乡交错的地带安然地流过,虽然看不到她的前世,却看见了她飘然流动的身影,清澈委婉的吟唱,还有凝聚着岁月温度的微笑,仿佛与水、与乡、与天空、与大地……形成一种同构,在她的内心深处蔓延微澜。于是,江烟这 One night in the quiet, the past foggy into a misty background, overprinted memories evoke the wind, look for the eyes, squeezed into the gaps in the years, driven me to reopen the books on the shelf long-standing collection of poems, “the sky in the water ”. In the light of the reflection, a faint and vivid picture emerges in front of me: a peach-like face flowing peacefully in the stream flowing slowly between the city and the township, though she can not see her Past life, but saw her flowing floating figure, clear and gentle singing, as well as the condensation of years of temperature smile, as if with water, and the township, with the sky, and the earth ... ... to form a homogeneous structure in her heart The depths of the spread of micro-Lan. So, smoke this
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20余户居民的机关小院竟有10人患癌症,8人死亡。曾住在该院的湖南省吉首市邮政局退休职工刘德胜认为,院内长达20年的喷漆作业是致癌的罪魁祸首,为此,他把吉首市农机局告上了法庭。不料,该案历时5年,经过法院3次开庭,直至刘德胜老人去世,仍然没有结果。2007年2月1日,经最高人民检察院抗诉,湖南省高级人民法院按照最高人民法院的要求,再次开庭审理此案。    让人谈之色变的机关小院    吉首市农机局
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