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为继续深入抗美援朝运动,鼓舞士气,增强国防力量,以保障祖国的建设,必须发扬我省人民拥军优属的优良传统,继续开展群众性的优抚运动,做好优抚工作。为此决定于春节期间,根据中央人民政府内务部与华北行政委员会关于开展春节拥军优属工作的指示及我省具体情况,做好以下各项工作:一、结合正在进行的关于国家过渡时期总路线总任务的宣传和第三届赴朝慰问团回国后的传达报告,通过各种形式(特别是农村春节文艺 To further deepen the anti-America and DPRK movement, boost morale and increase national defense so as to safeguard the motherland’s development, we must carry forward the fine tradition of our province’s people supporting the army and the superiority of the army, continue to carry out the mass-based special-care exercise and do a good job in the special care work. To this end, it was decided that during the Spring Festival, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central People’s Government and the North China Administrative Commission on carrying out the work of supporting the superiority of the army in the Spring Festival and the specific conditions in our province, the following tasks should be satisfactorily carried out: I. Combining the ongoing general task on the general line for the country transitional period Propaganda and the third report sent by the delegation to Taiwan after their return to China. Through various forms (especially the Spring Festival in rural areas
宝宝的诞生给温馨的小家庭带来了无数的欢笑,而宝宝的健康成长也从此牵动着父母的心。“我的奶水不足,可以给宝宝补充些什么呢?”“我准备给宝宝断奶了,需要给宝宝添加点什么营养才能保证他的免疫力?”“怎样的喂养才是科学、有效的呢?”一连串的问号围绕在新手父母的心头。  “试试牛初乳吧!”也许有人会给你这样的建议。  “牛初乳好吗?”更有父母会这样询问。  研究证实:牛初乳富含免疫球蛋白,gG和生长因子Ig
建兰Cymbidinm ensifolium是兰科多年生草本花卉。原产我国福建、广东、广西、云南、贵州和四川等省区的亚热带林下。在我国有近千年的栽培历史,是我国人民最喜爱的兰花之一