
来源 :冷战国际史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sznc
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抗美援朝战争爆发后,上海人民响应国家号召,积极支援前线,掀起了抗美援朝、保家卫国的爱国热潮。在各级党政组织的领导下,上海医务工作者工会动员全市医务工作者,积极参加抗美援朝志愿医疗服务,先后组织了六批志愿卫生工作队,共计十四个大队、一个国际医疗队、一个护士教学队及眼科专家小组,奔赴朝鲜前线和东北各地,救治伤病员,并帮助各部队建立卫生机构健全卫生制度,培养医护人员。参加此项志愿行动的上海医务工作者共有746人(其中医师305人、护士220人),有208人立功受奖,占到总人数的38%。上海医务工作者精湛的医疗技术和认真的工作态度赢得了所在志愿军部队和当地党政部门的普遍赞誉。现选编一组上海医务工作者的支前工作档案史料,供研究者参考。本组文件的标题为本馆拟定,同时保留文件原标题;个别文件有删节,以“(略)”标示。选编整理者为庄志龄、宣刚。 After the outbreak of the War to Resist the United States and Aid Korea, the people of Shanghai responded positively to the call of the state and actively supported the front line, setting off a patriotic upsurge of fighting the United States, helping the DPRK and defending the homeland. Under the leadership of party and government organizations at all levels, the Shanghai Medical Workers Union mobilized the city’s medical workers and actively participated in the voluntary medical service of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Six voluntary volunteer health work teams were successively organized, with a total of 14 battalions, an international medical team and a Nurses teaching team and ophthalmology expert group, went to North Korea front and northeastern all over, treatment and treatment of sick and wounded, and to help units establish health institutions to improve the health system, nurses and nurses. A total of 746 Shanghai medical workers participated in this voluntary operation (including 305 doctors and 220 nurses) and 208 people received awards for their work, accounting for 38% of the total. Shanghai medical workers exquisite medical technology and serious work attitude has won the volunteer forces where the local party and government departments generally praised. Now choose to compile a group of Shanghai medical workers in the record file of the work before, for researchers reference. The title of this group of documents is drawn up by the museum and the original title of the document is preserved. Individual documents are abbreviated and marked with “”. Selected finishing Zhuang Zhi-ling, Xuan Gang.
不久前,我偶然读到一篇英文童话:战争结束了,有个年轻号手最后离开战场回家。他日夜思念着他的未婚妻。可是,等他回到家乡,却听说未婚妻已同别人结了婚,因为家 Not long ago
树上它从不认为它不是一片与众不同的树叶。它拥有着比其它树叶更大的叶面,更深的叶脉和更奇特的形状。它枝压群雄站在最顶的地 It never thinks it is not a distinctive l
一、词语例解1.inspirevt.1)make someone want to do sth.,etc.促使;鼓励His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲促使我们再作尝试。 First, word examples 1.inspi
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