On the Principle of Yanfu’s Faithfulness for the Chinese-English Translation of Political Style

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  Abstract:The government work report is a formal, typical and practical text with oral and written characteristics. However,no matter what oral language or written language is,the word is selected and the sentence is precise with the characteristic of specific meaning and strong logic. From the perspective of expression between Chinese and English, the big differences and difficulties between Chinese and English lie in these features. The Chinese government work report mainly shows China’s politics, economy, culture and the latest situation of social development and conveys Chinese government’s policies and shapes perfect country image. So, the translation of the government work report should abide by expression between Chinese and English at the same time is loyal to the original text completely. This paper studies Chinese-English translation of the 2019 Government Work Report based on Yanfu’s principle of Faithfulness to find translation strategies and methods of political style and to improve the quality of translation.
  Key words: Chinese-English Translation of the 2019 Government Work Report; Translation of Political Style; Yanfu’s Faithfulness
  With the acceleration of comprehensive national power and international competitiveness, countries of the world all pay attention to China, which provide favorable condition for the development of China. So, if we want to make people of the world understand China comprehensively and accurately, translation of Chinese official paper must be accurate and precise, because it affects international image and international status of China obviously. As a translator, I think that it may be a good choice to research Chinese government work repot.
  二、Reason of Selecting the Translation Principle of “Faithfulness”
  Compared with the opinion of the school of research translation, the translation principle of Yanfu’s “Faithfulness” is not out of date.Yanfu emphasized both the quality of text and the translation version of text. As for the author, faithfulness mainly conveys the spirit of the author and enhances the readers’ interest.
  三、Analysis of Chinese Words in Government Work Report
  3.1  Lexical Repetition
  We owe these achievements to the sound decisions made by the CPC central committee headed by General Secretary XiJinping, and to the concerned and determined efforts of all members of the Party. On behalf of the State Council, I wish to express our gratitude to the people’s organization. I express our appreciation to our fellow countrymen and women.   3.2 High-frequency Vocabulary
  Non-financial outward foreign direct investment reached $119billon, up 14.4%. GDP reached 67.8 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 6.9% over the previous year -a growth rate faster than first that of most other major economies. The contribution of consumption toward economic growth reached 66.4%.
  This paper aims to research the translation techniques of the vocabularies in the 2019 Chinese Government Work Report. We can conclude that the translation techniques of vocabularies in the 2019 Chinese Government Work Report are literal translation, free translation, literal translation plus annotation and lexical repetition. We know the translation principle of Yanfu’s “Faithfulness” emphazes on respecting original text and pursuing the content of original text. And the author hopes that this thesis can provide relevant people with some supports in the aspect of research purposes, research contents, and research techniques.
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摘要:大学生作为青年中最具活力和创造力的优秀群体,本应具有高度的诚信意识。然而,随着近些年毕业生数量的增加,就业违约率也在不断上升。针对这一问题,从个人、家庭,学校和社会几个方面来寻求解决对策。  关键词:毕业生;就业失信;影响  一、毕业生就业失信现象  (一)求职简历造假  面对越来越紧张的就业环境,工作成为了当代大学生毕业期间最为关心的问题。部分学生在大学读书期间并没有掌握足够的知识,也没有
摘要:《脾胃论》是在“脏气法时”和“气运衰旺”的指导下写成的,重视四时阴阳升降浮沉。此文通过对“气运衰旺”的理解,再加上与临床方剂的结合,因人,因时,因地灵活运用,随机加减化裁,深刻领会方剂的组方原则。同时再运用中医基础理论加以论述,阐明自我的理解。  关键词:《脾胃论》;气运衰旺;临床方剂;中医基础理论  一、气运衰旺图说内容  天地互为体用四说 察病神机  湿、胃、化;热、小肠、长;风、胆、生
摘要:作为城市景观的重要组成部分,现代城市滨水景观是展现城市经济发展、区域文化特点和城市居民生活的重要窗口。因此,本文通过对绵阳安州滨水文化公园的现状分析,探究出适合都市居民休闲娱乐的滨水公园景观设计策略,从而为公园的改造及同类现代城市滨水公园景观设计提供建议。  关键词:城市滨水公园;景观设计;安州  1滨水公园概述  滨水公园一般是指专门临水而建的城市公园,是特地为城市居民提供赏景、游憩、休闲
长兴县泗安镇不断加强阵地建设,充分发挥“和治理事会”队伍作用,深化文明诚信档案建设等工作,助推乡风文明再上新台阶。  强化“和治理事会”队伍,夯实文明实践基础。通过村民代表大会推选建立“和治理事会”,实施“进出口”动态管理制度,依据管理章程对成员的日常工作表现进行考核,“和治理事会”成员参与文明诚信档案建设、平安创建等镇村中心工作;年底利用村级户主大会和镇级年终总结大会对其进行集中表彰。许多优秀“
摘要:本文基于心理学视域,从学生物质需求和精神需求着手,对家庭经济困难的大学生进行资助机制,通过研究其精神与物质层面现状问题,分析其原因,得出为高职院校家庭经济困难的学生建立资助机制需要以心理学角度出发,对学生的精神和物质层面多加思考。  关键词:心理学;家庭经济;困难学生;资助机制  一、精神富裕是心理学视域下高职院校家庭经济困难学生的主要特点  精神富裕从本质上来看是对物质生活和精神世界的协调
摘要:近日,国务院印发《关于实施健康中国行动的意见》。《意见》从干预健康影响因素、维护全生命周期健康和防控重大疾病三方面提出实施15项行动,并对组织实施做出部署。随着人民生活水平的提高,人口老龄化越来越严重,人们对于“健康”的要求也越来越高,健康知识的传播也越来越重要,随着互联网技术的发展,我们更需要结合互联网来传播我们的健康知识。本项目就是结合网络平台传播更为丰富的健康知识。  关键词:公共卫生
摘要:中日韩三国是一衣带水的邻邦,地缘相近,文化相通,三国会议对推进三国之间的全面合作具有重要意义,对维护东北亚地区的繁荣与稳定也起着重要作用。本文以尤金·奈达的功能对等理论为指导,以三国会议的中方发言为研究语料,对其韩译本进行研究分析,以期为国际会议的口译提供借鉴。  关键词:中日韩三国会议翻译;功能对等理论;韩译研究  引言  2019年是中日韩启动合作的20周年,迄今为止三国合作已取得丰硕成
摘要:随着我国社会的快速发展和科学技术水平的日益提升,人们进入智能时代。在这种潮流中,设计了一款超高性价比的智能温控器:集触摸输入、显示输出、无线Wi-Fi于一体。利用温控器对环境温湿度实时监测,并受系统控制,调整输出温度和调整风机速度,控制中心通过485总线与温控器实现连接。温控器通过Wi-Fi连接至服务器,实现云端在线操控。  1 引言  中央空调系统广泛地应用在现代化建筑中,其能源消耗巨大,
摘要:在新的发展时期,国际形势较日以往出现了很大变化,相关军队以及国防建设应当进一步创新和优化。鉴于此,本研究深入探索了和谐管理推动军事管理创新的重要价值和作用。笔者认为,首先应当进一步发展和树立和谐管理理念,同时对和谐管理模式进行积极的探索,并对和谐管理能力进行全面提升。如此才能够使得军事管理得以发展,为我国军队和国防建设的良性常态发展提供理论的参考和帮助。  关键词:和谐管理;军事管理推动作用
摘要:随着国家不断壮大发展,地理国情监测越来越重要。文章主要对地理国情监测内容框架进行分析,分别论述了不同地理国情监测对象所采取的针对性办法。  关键词:地理国情;监测;探讨  国家发展过程中,需要全面了解自身的基本情况,这样才能够有效做好决策与分析,全面推动国家快速发展。地理国情是国家战略的一部分,通过地理国情调研,有效掌握国家地理,主动作为、积极行动,不断增强国家实力,实现创新发展新局面。地理