
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyhai
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我厂生产需煤、电、水、汽四大动力,而煤是其中的主要能源,目前年耗原煤5万吨,煤成本费达300万元左右.因此,加强锅炉用煤的管理,促进能耗降低,是一项重要的节能措施.我厂锅炉用煤过去是由供销科管理,煤进锅炉储煤仓后,转动力车间管理,而后又转供销科管理.厂能源科只起监督、协调作用,对煤点、煤质、煤量、价格、消耗都掌握控制不了.历史上曾有过因进煤质量较差产汽量和出汽压力达不到工艺要求而影响生产的现象.因此,实行锅炉用煤一体化,由节能管理部门统管,是节能管理的一项积极措施.从1991年元月起,厂部决定将原煤划归能源科实行一体化管理,即从煤的选点、订货、采购、协调运输、收发保管、结算、装载机打煤、耗煤定额制订考核等环节,均由能源科统一管理.能源科接管原煤管理之后,遵照厂长指示,先后制订了选煤进煤制度、煤场收发盘点管理制度和装载机维护保养制度.比如,选煤进煤制度规定分三步走:(1)先看煤点,查看其生产能力和外观质量;(2)提取煤样化验,分析各项指标参数;(3)拉煤进厂,先试烧一个班次.三步均达到要求,才进行议价签订合同进煤.保证进优质煤,是节煤管理的首要环节.进煤时我们除按三步把关外,并对每车进煤都要认真检查,如发现煤老板送煤有假,就采取立即停止进煤或罚款处理措施.目前,因? Our factory produces four major powers: coal, electricity, water, and steam, and coal is one of the major power sources. Currently, 50,000 tons of raw coal is consumed annually, and the cost of coal costs is about 3 million yuan. Therefore, the management of boiler coal is strengthened to promote The reduction of energy consumption is an important energy-saving measure. The boiler coal used in our factory was previously managed by the supply and marketing department. After the coal was put into the boiler and stored in the coal bunker, it turned to the workshop management and then switched to the supply and marketing section management. The plant energy section only supervised it. The role of coordination, coal, coal quality, coal, prices, consumption can not master the control. Historically, because of poor coal quality and steam production pressure and steam pressure can not reach the process requirements and affect the production phenomenon Therefore, the implementation of integration of coal for boilers and integrated management by the energy conservation management department is an active measure for energy conservation management. From January 1991, the plant department decided to put the raw coal into the energy division for integrated management, ie from coal. Selection, ordering, procurement, coordinating transportation, sending and receiving storage, settlement, loader coal mining, coal consumption quota development and other links are all managed by the Energy Branch. After the Energy Branch took over the management of raw coal, it complied with the instructions of the plant manager. Coal preparation and coal feeding system Management system and loader maintenance and maintenance system. For example, the coal preparation and coal importing system stipulates three steps: (1) look at the coal point to see its production capacity and appearance quality; (2) extract the coal sample and analyze the indicators Parameters; (3) pull the coal into the plant and try to burn one shift first. Three steps all meet the requirements before entering into the coal price negotiation contract. Guaranteeing high quality coal is the primary link of coal saving management. Step outside the customs, and carefully check each coal into the coal, if found that the coal boss sent false leave, they immediately stop taking coal or fine measures. Currently, because?
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浅述和归纳了型号设计定型中存在的一些标准化问题,分析了产生的原因和给研制、生产带来的不良后果,同时提出了解决的措施,以期提高型号设计标准化水平。 This paper briefl