拍摄地点:土耳其,伊斯坦布尔拍摄时间:2月19日INFO:尼康D800,F/7.1,1/640秒,ISO 250伊斯坦布尔古城是土耳其的文化中心,遍布清真寺。耶尼(Yeni)在土耳其语中是“新”的意思,耶尼清真寺是一座400年历史的“新”建筑,门外总有一大群鸽子流连不去,一次次飞跃清真寺的大门。一名穆斯林朝清真寺外望去,那个方向正是亚洲大陆和欧洲大陆的分界线——博斯普鲁斯海峡的所在地,不知有多少亚欧故事曾在那里起起伏伏。
Filming Location: Istanbul, Turkey Shooting Time: February 19 INFO: Nikon D800, F / 7.1, 1/640 Sec, ISO 250 The ancient city of Istanbul is Turkey’s cultural center, all over the mosque. Yeni means “new” in Turkish. The Yeni Mosque is a 400-year-old “new” building. There are always a large group of pigeons lingering outside, leaping through the mosque’s doors . A Muslim looks out of the mosque in the direction of the Bosporus strait, the dividing line between the Asian continent and the European continent, where many of the stories of Asia and Europe were undulating.