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[目的]了解市民对北京市控制吸烟条例内容的知晓程度。[方法]用统一培训、匿名和面对面方式,对参加肿瘤防治义诊现场活动的来访人员进行控烟条例知晓情况调查。[结果]共有396人完成调查,其中35岁以下125人,35~49岁132人,50~59岁80人,60岁及以上56人。调查对象知晓北京市控制吸烟条例的总评分为80.82。其中,35岁以下组和60岁及以上组的知晓评分(87.09和83.36)高于35~49岁组和50~59岁组(77.55和74.85);受教育程度为本科和研究生组的知晓评分(84.45和85.55)高于高中及以下组和大专组(77.45和78.65),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查对象条例内容知晓率较低的有4项,包括违反条例形式的处罚规定(48.74%)、开始实施日期(68.18%)、室内禁止吸烟场所(78.28%)和室外设置吸烟区的条件(79.80%)。调查对象中,知晓北京市所有禁止吸烟的室内场所、室外场所、设置室外吸烟区条件和禁止烟草广告等相关行为的比例分别为65.91%,47.22%、34.09%和50.51%;现在吸烟者中,知晓所有室外禁烟场所和室外吸烟区设置条件的比例(36.36%和30.30%)低于非吸烟者(51.28%和36.75%),受教育程度较低的调查对象知晓所有室内禁烟场所、室外设置吸烟区条件和禁止烟草广告等相关行为的比例(59.69%,31.01%和42.64%)低于受教育程度较高者(73.21%、48.21%和64.29%)。[结论]部分居民对北京市控烟条例缺乏全面了解,尤其是对实施禁烟的场所和违反条例行为的处罚规定知晓不足。 [Objectives] To understand the level of public awareness of the content of the Beijing smoking control regulations. [Methods] With the unified training, anonymity and face-to-face approach, we conducted a survey on the awareness of tobacco control regulations among the visitors who participated in on-site activities of cancer prevention and treatment. [Results] A total of 396 people completed the survey, of which 125 were under 35, 132 from 35 to 49, 80 from 50 to 59, and 56 were 60 and over. The respondents knew that Beijing’s total smoking control regulations score was 80.82. Among them, the awareness score (87.09 and 83.36) in the group of 35 years old and the group of 60 years old and above were higher than that of the group of 35-49 and the age group of 50-59 (77.55 and 74.85); The education level was the awareness score of undergraduate and graduate school (84.45 and 85.55) higher than the high school and the following groups and college (77.45 and 78.65), the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). There are four items with lower awareness rate in the surveyed articles, including the violation of regulations (48.74%), the date of commencement of implementation (68.18%), indoor no-smoking places (78.28%) and outdoor setting of smoking areas (79.80 %). Among respondents, 65.91%, 47.22%, 34.09% and 50.51% were aware of all the non-smoking indoor places, outdoor places, conditions for setting outdoor smoking areas and banning tobacco advertising in Beijing. Among the smokers, (36.36% and 30.30%) were lower than non-smokers (51.28% and 36.75%), and those with lower education were aware of all indoor non-smoking establishments and outdoor setting of smoking The proportions (59.69%, 31.01% and 42.64%) of the relevant behaviors such as the area conditions and the banning of tobacco advertising were lower than those with the highest level of education (73.21%, 48.21% and 64.29%). [Conclusion] Some residents do not have a comprehensive understanding of the tobacco control regulations in Beijing. In particular, some residents lack knowledge about the place where smoking is banned and the penalties for violation of the regulations.
高句丽自公元前37年建国, 就与中原王朝建立了宗藩关系, 接受中原王朝的册封.但是, 随着高句丽政权的不断发展, 自东汉以降高句丽借助中原内乱的机会始终企图冲破以中原王朝