From Imitation to Innovation:A Strategic Adjustment in China’s S&T Development

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marriamirror
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Since the latter half of 2004, China’s top leaders have given higher priority to the issue of national capacity building for S&T innovation. Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterates that stress should be placed on the upgrading of innovation capacity when making overall plans for S&T development, and the task should remain the key link in promoting economic structural readjustment and raising national competitiveness. This strategic transition from imitation to inno- vation is also found in the National Long- & Medium-term Plan for S&T Development, which is being formulated under the leader- ship of Premier Wen Jiabao. The author ex- plains the reason behind such a transition and the major administrative measures to be adopted for its implementation. Since the latter half of 2004, China’s top leaders have given higher priority to the issue of national capacity building for S & T innovation. Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterates that stress should be placed on the upgrading of innovation capacity when making overall plans for S & T development, and the task should remain the key link in promoting economic structural readjustment and raising national competitiveness. This strategic transition from imitation to inno- vation is also found in the National Long- & Medium-term Plan for S & T Development, which is being under under leader - ship of Premier Wen Jiabao. The author ex- plains the reason behind such a transition and the major administrative measures to be adopted for its implementation.
■这是一个位于老矿区的宾馆。■这是一个苛刻的要求——要用最少的钱、在最短的时间内改造成三星级的宾馆,效果却要达到四星级的标准。■这,是对设计师的一次考验。 ■ Thi
夜晚,城市的灯火璀璨,耀眼。光芒,照耀着天空,火红,恰似日出时的雾霭尘埃,又似日落时的喧嚣繁忙。  有时常想,或许我们只不过是这美景中小小的一角,或许只是为了存在而存在。  烟火绽放时的美丽,引来无数羡慕和仰慕的目光。但谁知道它需要积蓄多久的力量,需要燃烧多久呢?  回想自己走过的道路,算不得总是一帆风顺,也算不得总是坎坷险阻。对自己目标的实现,如今看来是着实的不易。因为不仅仅是一簇烟火在时刻燃烧