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十八届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》,将创新发展列为五大发展理念之首,是贯穿《建议》全篇的重大战略思想。当前,“大众创业、万众创新”正成为一种社会潮流。在“春晖杯”大赛举办整整10届之际,如何进一步推动留学人员成为“大众创业、万众创新”的生力军,多位留学人员创业领域的专家围绕“春晖杯”、留学人员在创新创业中发挥的作用,以及如何推动留学人员回国创新创业三大主题发表了各自的见解。 The Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, listed innovation and development as the top five concepts of development and a major strategy throughout the “Proposal” thought. At present, “public entrepreneurship and innovation” are becoming a social trend. In the “Chunhui Cup” contest held a full 10, on the occasion how to further promote the study staff to become a “public entrepreneurship, innovation,” the new force, a number of students in the field of entrepreneurs around the “Spring Cup”, study abroad Personnel in the role of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as how to promote the returned overseas students to study entrepreneurship three major themes published their own opinions.
为了观察消化性溃疡患者血清胃泌素的含量及其临床意义,笔者分别测定了消化性溃疡患者活动期、愈合期和正常人血清胃泌素的含量,并对它们之间的关系进行分析讨论。1 对象和
利用毛细管电泳技术对 1 6种红色墨水形成的色痕进行分析、鉴别 ,并考查了在紫外照射下红色墨水字迹色痕的变化规律 ,实验表明 ,红色墨水成分相对含量的递变规律是存在的 ,这
Recently,in order to change the weaker exports of textile and garment,the Ministry of commerce is planning to increase the quota of textile processing trade.It
肝胆系统癌瘤并发阻塞性黄疸47例,平均年龄59岁(>60岁27例),行胆汁内引流或外引流术。术前检查大多病人存在以下情况:总胆红质>200μmol/L者30例(63.8%),ALT>30IU/L者39例(82.9%),白蛋白<30g/L者22例(46... 47 patients with hepatobiliary sy