孙维本在国务院全体会议上汇报 扑灭大兴安岭特大森林火灾取得彻底胜利

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一、火情和灾情5月6日,西林吉林业局的河湾、古莲林场,因野外吸烟和使用割灌机时违反操作规程跑火而引起山火。塔河林业局的盘古林业公司也在当天发生山火(原因待查)。经过白天和当晚的扑打,火情基本得到控制。7日傍晚,刮起了8级以上的西风,火势复起,迅速蔓延,火头以极其迅猛的速度向东推进。平时,火头每昼夜向外蔓延只一二公里,而7日晚间火借风势,风助火威,形成了一个强大的高压热流,仅5个小时(自晚6时至11时),漠河县古莲这把火就向东推进100公里。铁路、公路、河流甚至500米宽的防火隔离带都阻拦 First, the fire and disaster May 6, Xilinji Forestry Bureau of the Bay, Gulin Lin field, due to field smoking and the use of brush cutters violated operating procedures to run the fire caused by mountain fire. Pyongyang forestry company Taigu forestry company also occurred the same day (reason to be checked). After day and night beating, the fire was basically under control. On the evening of the 7th, a westerly wind above Grade 8 was blown up and the fire rose and spread rapidly. Fire Head pushed eastward at extremely rapid speed. Normally, the fire head spread outward every day and night only one or two kilometers, and on the evening of 7 Fire by the wind, the wind to help Viagra formed a powerful high-pressure heat flow, only 5 hours (from 6 pm to 11 pm), Mohe County Ancient Lotus this fire eastward to promote 100 km. Railway, highway, river and even 500 meters wide fire barrier are blocked
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目的 :研究正常的新疆维族成人颅颌面的形态结构特征 ,并接骨骼类型分别建立正常参考标准。方法 :采用聚类分析法对新疆乌鲁木齐市大专院校 18~ 2 5岁维族正常学生 93人
利用温汤浸泡种根防治泡桐丛枝病,是一简便易行、经济有效的好方法。用处理后的种根繁殖苗木,丛枝病的发病率仅为千分之一。处理方法:在容器(大瓷缸 It is a simple, econo
题目作者页数刊期1988年林业科研工作情况暨1989年林业科研的重点…吉林省林业厅科技卫生处种苗造林.口乙口自OJ47911151571113J乌一J性月任月任还‘︸匕4 8 10 13 1514︸勺︼﹄l7195
8月21日,湖南历史文化名城岳阳迎来了中国音协少儿小提琴教育学会“201 1全国小提琴教学研讨会”的隆重召开。此次研讨会由中国音协少儿小提琴教育学会副会长、上海音乐学院
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野燕麦(Avena fatua L·)是农田重要恶性杂草之一,在我国北方,特别是西北地区分布广泛,危害严重,仅小麦一项全国每年损失粮食20亿斤以上。为了探索及时有效地进行大面积麦田