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2005—2007年,以小麦DH群体(旱选10号×鲁麦14)的150个株系及其亲本为材料,研究在灌溉和雨养两种水分条件下,小麦灌浆中期上部3片功能叶的长、宽及基角遗传基础及其与产量性状的关系.结果表明:与灌溉条件下的性状相比,雨养条件下小麦灌浆中期上部3片功能叶的长和宽均显著降低,而叶基角表现复杂.两种水分条件下,DH群体所有性状均表现超亲分离,变异系数在5.1%~45.9%,性状平均值多数介于双亲之间;旗叶基角遗传力均最高(91%和97%),而倒3叶基角均最低(23%和31%);控制旗叶基角的基因数目均最少,灌溉和雨养条件下均分别为4对和2对,控制倒3叶基角的基因数目2007年均最多,分别为21和25对;两种水分条件下控制上部3叶基角,以及灌溉条件下控制倒3叶长的多基因间存在互补作用.3片功能叶长、宽与穗粒数、穗粒重之间多数为显著正相关,倒3叶长、旗叶基角、倒2叶基角与千粒重、单株产量呈显著正相关,但相关系数均较小(<0.481).因此,可以在育种早代对上部3叶长、宽进行比较严格的选择,而对叶基角的选择应在育种高代进行;在小麦上部3片功能叶生长的关键时期保证适宜的土壤水分,能够促进叶片正常生长,提高产量. In 2005-2007, 150 families of wheat DH population (Dry Xuan 10 × Lumai 14) and their parents were used as materials to study the effect of irrigation and rain-fed two kinds of water conditions on the upper three functional leaves The results showed that the length and breadth of three functional leaves in the mid-filling stage were significantly lower than those in the irrigated condition The leaf base angle was complex, under the two water conditions, all the traits of DH population showed super-pro-segregation, the coefficient of variation was between 5.1% and 45.9%, and the average value of traits was between parents; the heritability of flag leaf base was the highest 91% and 97%, respectively), while the lowest of the three leaf base angles (23% and 31%) were the lowest. The number of genes controlling the flag leaf base angle was the least. The number of genes in inverted third leaf base was the largest in 2007, which was 21 and 25 pairs, respectively. Under the two water conditions, the control of the upper three-leaf base angle and the multi-genes controlling the inverted three-leaf length under irrigation were complementary.3 Leaf functional length, width and number of grains per spike, grain weight between the majority of significant positive correlation, down 3 leaf length, flag leaf base angle, inverted 2 leaf base angle and Grain weight per plant and yield per plant were significantly positive correlation, but the correlation coefficient was small (<0.481) .Therefore, in the breeding of the early three leaves on the length and width of the more stringent choices, and the choice of leaf base angle should be Breeding high generation; in the upper part of the wheat three functional leaf growth critical period to ensure appropriate soil moisture, can promote the normal growth of leaves, increase production.
丘疹性蕈样霉菌病(papular mycosis fungoides,PMF)是一种原发皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤,也是蕈样霉菌病(MF)的特殊亚型~([1])。PMF典型的临床表现为长期皮肤丘疹,不痛不痒;病理特征为
针对煤柱工作面仓房回收率低的现状,对仓房回采工艺进行了改进。采用双输送机回仓工艺后,有效提高了煤柱工作面的资源回收率,同时取得了可观的经济效益和社会效益。 Aiming
In this paper,a novel method based on strain distribution is presented to determine the presence of damage and its location in composite plate.By building a dam