对火灾隐患决不能掉以轻心 南通市政协委员关注消防安全

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近年来,少数地方火灾频发,损失惨重。广大政协委员对此很关注。最近,南通市政协组织部分委员视察了消防安全工作。委员们通过对视察情况的分析认为,火灾发生的直接原因往往是违规操作,用电、用火、用气不慎,而法制观念上的、经济上的和管理方面的问题更应认真对待。一是部分人消防法制观念薄弱,对消防法规视若无睹,结果付出沉重代价。一些按照《消防法》规定必须进行消防设计的工程,由于多种原因,未经消防审核即边设计、边施工、边营业,留下了先天性的火灾隐患。甚至有的单位两次拒绝消防部门的管理要求,对内部消防组织、消防器材、消防安全制度不落实的问题没有引以重视,发生火灾后乱成一团。二是一些改制企业扩大自主权后,盲目追求经济效益,置消防安全于不顾,导致火灾发生。有的企业为了减员,任意改变消防管理模式。一些效益不好的单位,消防工作更是摆不上应有的位置,消防工作处于无人抓、无人管的状态。还有一些老企业和老市场,消防设施严重缺乏,仅有的也已老化,形同虚设,危机四伏,一触即发。私营企业中,有一部分是利用 In recent years, a small number of local fires have caused heavy losses. The majority of CPPCC members are concerned about this. Recently, some members of the Npc CPPCC Organization visited the fire safety work. According to the analysis of the inspections, the members of the committee considered that the direct causes of the fire are often irregularities in operation, electricity use, use of fire and carelessness, while the ideological, economic and management problems of the legal system should be taken seriously. First, some people the concept of fire law is weak, ignoring the fire regulations, the results pay a heavy price. Some projects that are required to carry out fire safety design according to the “Fire Services Law” have, for various reasons, left the congenital fire hazard without the fire control auditing, designing and construction. Even some units refuse the management requirements of the fire department twice, failing to pay attention to the problems that the internal fire protection organizations, fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting safety systems are not implemented and chaos after a fire breaks out. Second, after some restructuring enterprises expanded their autonomy, they blindly pursued economic benefits and neglected fire safety, resulting in a fire. Some enterprises in order to reduce staff, any change in fire management. Some units that do not have good returns will find it more difficult to put their fire service on the right foot. The fire prevention work is in an unmanned and unmanaged state. There are some old enterprises and the old market, a serious lack of fire-fighting facilities, the only one has also been aging, useless, dangerous, explosive. Part of the private sector is the use of
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编辑同志: 时下,不少农村家长千方百计送子女进城读书,许多中小学没有学生集体宿舍,只好租房散点寄宿。这种分散寄宿产生的问题很令人担忧。这些寄宿生年纪一般10—16岁,缺