,Multiparty Quantum Cryptographic Protocol

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaojc
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We propose a multiparty quantum cryptographic protocol. Unitary operators applied by Bob and Charlie, on their respective qubits of a tripartite entangled state encoding a classical symbol that can be decoded at Alices end with the help of a decoding matrix. Eves presence can be detected by the disturbance of the decoding matrix. Our protocol is secure against intercept-resend attacks. Furthermore, it is efficient and deterministic in the sense that two classical bits can be transferred per entangled pair of qubits. It is worth mentioning that in this protocol, the same symbol can be used for key distribution and Eves detection that enhances the effciency of the protocol.
学校组织语文教研活动,年级组安排我执教《生命的林子》一课。按照课前的预设,一节课波澜不惊地进行着。快下课时,我问学生:“学完了这篇课文,你可以和大家分享哪些收获?还有哪些疑问需要请教大家呢?”  “我要学林子里的松树,奋力向上生长,成为有用的人。”“人要成才,不能离开自己的小集体。”学生纷纷表达着自己的见解。不一会儿,下课铃响了,教学画上了圆满的句号,我倍感舒坦。正当我宣布下课时,突然有名学生插嘴
2009年,正值而立之年的我选择了远赴西部支教。这段特殊的经历对于从未出过远门、依赖性很强的我而言,是对平凡人生的挑战,亦是平淡人生中亮丽的一笔。再回首,昔日的伤痛与眼泪早已变成从容与坚定。  悄然无声的成长  从小到大,我从来没有离开过父母,上师范也是选择在离家不远的县城,即便成家生女后也一直依赖父母生活。身边的亲朋好友得知我即将远行时,无不惊讶不已。是的,一只从未离开父母羽翼的雏燕是否能独自抵
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