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在2013年庆祝岳阳建市30周年之“感动岳阳人物”评选会场上,一个有着淡淡儒雅气质,始终面带笑容的人不时出现在观众眼前,他就是湖南国发精细化工科技有限公司(以下简称“国发公司”)总经理胡晓珊。胡晓珊个头不高,圆圆的脸庞,作为一家“全国化工农药行业百强企业”的老总,没什么架子,待人接物给人一种亲切的感觉。在他的带领下,不仅国发公司自身没有发生事故,而且在帮忙处理外界突发事故的时候还发挥了重要作用,只因他有着 In 2013 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of Yueyang City “moving Yueyang characters ” selection venue, a person with a touch of elegance, smiling always appear in the eyes of the audience, he is Hunan National Development Fine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. ( Hereinafter referred to as “China Development Bank ”) General Manager Hu Xiaoshan. Hu Xiaoshan unscrupulous, round face, as a “National Chemical and Pesticide Industry hundred enterprises ” CEOs, there is no shelves, treat people to give a person a kind feeling. Under his leadership, not only has the country-run development company not been involved in an accident on its own, but it has also played an important role in helping to deal with unexpected accidents simply because he has
The effects of canopy development, solar angle, and weather conditions on temporal variation in photosynthetic photon flux density(PPFD) at three heights within
5日省委副书记、省长林树森在贵阳就贵州西部大开发10年接受中央电视台等媒体采访。省委常委、省委统战部部长龙超云出席2010年全省统一战线教育培训工作协调会议并讲话。 O
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The effects of fertilizers and water content on N2O emission were studied using the three most typical plantation soils. Soil incubations were performed and fer