Study on Hypoglycemic Effect of Dahongpao Tea

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yvedy
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[Objective] To explore the hypoglycemic effect of Dahongpao tea.[Method] 50 mice were carried intraperitoneal injection with 200 mg/kg alloxan,repeated in the next day,then 24 mice with the blood glucose above 9.0 mmol/L were obtained after 4 days.Those hyperglycemic mice were divided into the control group and tested group according to the similar blood glucose level of(15.11±6.47) mmol/L and(14.77±5.40) mmol/L respectively,and the difference between the groups was not significant(P>0.05).The mice in the control group were fed with basal feed and cold water,while those in the tested group ate basal feed with 3% of Dahongpao tea and drank 0.5% Dahongpao tea.The blood glucose of the mice in the above two groups was tested again after 7 days and the variation was studied.[Result] The blood glucose of the mice in the control group was(12.23±5.11) mmol/L and the variation was not notable(P>0.05);while the blood glucose of the mice in the test group dropped to(7.93±1.88) mmol/L,reduced by 46.3% compared with that before treated(P<0.001).[Conclusion] Dahongpao tea could effectively reduce the blood glucose of the hyperglycemic mice. [Objective] To explore the hypoglycemic effect of Dahongpao tea. [Method] 50 mice were carried intraperitoneal injection with 200 mg / kg alloxan, repeated in the next day, then 24 mice with the blood glucose above 9.0 mmol / L were obtained after 4 The same.Those hyperglycemic mice were divided into the control group and the tested group according to the similar blood glucose level of (15.11 ± 6.47) mmol / L and (14.77 ± 5.40) mmol / L respectively, and the difference between the groups was not significant (P> 0.05). The mice in the control group were fed with basal feed and cold water, while those in the tested group ate basal feed with 3% of Dahongpao tea and drank 0.5% Dahongpao tea.The blood glucose of the mice in The above two groups were tested again after 7 days and the variation was not observed. [Result] The blood glucose of the mice in the control group was (12.23 ± 5.11) mmol / L and the variation was not notable (P> 0.05); while the blood glucose of the mice in the test group dropped to (7.93 ± 1.88) mmol / L, reduced by 46.3% compared with that before treated (P <0.001). [Conclusion] Dahongpao tea could effectively reduce the blood glucose of the hyperglycemic mice.
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