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改革开放以来,珠江三角洲地区经济获得持续快速增长,每年为全省和全国其它地区提供了上千万个就业岗位,对缓解全省乃至全国就业压力作出了巨大的贡献。与此相比,省内广大山区经济比较落后,目前土地面积占全省的66%,人口占全省的41%的50个山区县,国内生产总值还不到全省的20%,人均收入不及全省平均水平的一半,仅为珠江三角洲地区的1/5,200多万农村剩余劳动力急需寻找就业出路,广东劳务扶贫的任务仍然十分艰巨。早在1987年,全省第一次山区工作会议就部署从粤北石灰岩贫困地区输出农村劳动力,拉开了广东劳务扶贫的序幕,开创了全国劳务扶贫的先河。十几年来,全省各级党委和政府高度重视劳务扶贫工作,劳动部门把劳务扶贫工作作为一项义不容辞的任务,做了大量的工作。省劳动厅领导多次带领有关人员,深入贫困山区进行调查研究,制订方案,部署工作。全省各级劳动部门都把劳务扶贫作为一项重要工作来抓,层层下达落实任务,结成帮扶对子,通过“走出去,请进来”,建立劳务信息渠道,进行富有成效的劳务合作。在山区,劳动部门深入乡镇,认真做好劳动力资源的调查登记和劳务输出的组织工作。发达地 Since the reform and opening up, the Pearl River Delta region has enjoyed sustained and rapid economic growth, providing tens of millions of jobs every year for the entire province and other parts of the country, and has made tremendous contributions to alleviating the employment pressure in the province and the whole country. Compared with this, the majority of mountainous areas in the province are relatively backward in economy. At present, the land area accounts for 66% of the province's population, the population accounts for 41% of the 50 mountainous counties in the province, and the GDP is less than 20% The income is less than half of the provincial average. Only 1/52 million rural surplus labor forces in the Pearl River Delta area are urgently in need of finding a job exit. The task of alleviating poverty by labor in Guangdong is still extremely arduous. As early as 1987, the province's first mountain work conference on the deployment of poor rural limestone from northern Guangdong output of rural labor force, opened the prelude to poverty alleviation of labor in Guangdong, creating a precedent for national labor poverty alleviation. Over the past decade or so, the party committees and governments at all levels in the province have attached great importance to the work of helping the poor through labor services. The labor sector has done a great deal of work as an obligatory task for helping the poor through labor. The leadership of the provincial labor department has led relevant personnel on many occasions, conducted in-depth surveys and studies on impoverished mountainous areas, formulated plans and deployed work. The labor departments at all levels across the province regard labor poverty alleviation as an important task, laying down their implementation tasks at various levels and forming a helping hand. Through “going out, please come in”, establishing labor service information channels and carrying out fruitful labor service Cooperation. In the mountainous areas, the labor department goes deep into the towns and villages and conscientiously does a good job in the investigation and registration of labor resources and the organization of labor export. Developed place
据太平洋国际管理咨询公司(Towers perrin)发布的2000年环球薪金调查结果显示,我国的总薪酬在四个职位上排名都是全球倒数第一。该公司的调查是将中国内地、香港地区和台湾
张翼——原名汲古,号汲古修绠,1963年出生于山东莒南。数十年来坚持不懈地致力于微刻艺术的创作,致精微、广博大,不借助任何放大工具,创造了每平方厘米刻908字的世界微刻之最,还凭感觉成功地在一根头发丝的截面上刻上了两行文字。现已完成微刻中国古典四大名著这一巨大工程。被誉为“古典四大名著微刻版本”之父。    近400万个被张翼赋予新生命的汉字,构成一条艺术长河,气势如虹,奔腾流泻,汇入了中国艺术史
“读史使人明智。”培根曾经这么说过。而对于阅读,我的确深有感触。我从来不羡慕别人拥有汗牛充栋的藏书,而对自己那个并不能称为气派,却绝对蕴含着我成长故事的书柜心满意足。  我从小就喜欢读书,喜欢安静地阅读各类书籍。从小时候的连环画、漫画到现在的名著、古籍,内容丰富多彩的书籍为我架起了通向知识殿堂的桥梁。  通过阅读历史书籍,比如《全球通史——1500年以前的历史》,从玛雅文明到亚特兰蒂斯之谜,从古罗
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本刊讯 由上海市小企业贸发服务中心开展的企业领导人员MBA培训工作,以2000年 12月与 上海交通大学管理学院合作开办的第一期小MBA班为起点,在广大的中小企业积极参与下,已经初步形成了多角
信息化时代,也称IT下时代。在这个时代,人才的竞争空前激烈作为人才,你有以下信息时代的特殊能力吗?如有,那么,最终走向成功的就是你。 1.业务专长能力真正适应社会的人是那