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在省城济南,几乎没有人不知道“中豪大酒店”这个名字,因为它已经成为周边地段的一个地标性的建筑,如果你说起“解放路西段”这个位置,可能有人还要考虑一下,但是如果说“中豪大酒店”附近,几乎没有人不知道,也难怪,这座绿色的大厦耸立在古迹众多的护城河河畔,南望风景秀丽的千佛山,北眺碧波荡漾的大明湖,西靠灯火辉煌的泉城路,东临济南交通枢纽的解放桥,与解放阁、泉城广场、黑虎泉、趵突泉、珍珠泉、芙蓉街等自然文化名胜仅几步之遥,这样优越的地理位置,加上优雅的环境和齐全的服务设施,的确会让人留下深刻的印象。有一个人,陪伴着这座漂亮的大厦一起走过了长达十年多的时间,她就是201 0年从副总升任总经理的李春秀,而年轻的她在这个行业里,已经有着长达近二十年的工作和管理经验。与李总的几次谈话,我们能感觉出她身上除了女性管理者的细致和周到之外,还透露出一种与酒店名字有着一些关联的特点——豪爽。另外,爱笑,也是她给我们最深刻的印象,或爽朗,或浅微,总之,亲和的笑总是会出现在她的脸上。 In the provincial capital Jinan, almost no one does not know the name of “Zhong Hao Hotel” because it has become a landmark in the surrounding area. If you talk about the location of “Jiefang Road West Section”, it may be Some people still have to think about it, but if you say “Near the Grand Hotel,” almost no one does not know, it is no wonder that this green tower stands in the monuments of many moat riverside, south of the scenic Qianfoshan, north Overlooking the rippling Daming Lake, west of the sparkling Quancheng Road, east of Jinan Jiefangqiao transport hub, and Liberation Club, Springs Plaza, Black Tiger Springs, Baotu Spring, Pearl Spring, Lotus Street and other natural and cultural attractions only a few This excellent location, coupled with elegant surroundings and a full range of amenities, is truly impressive. There is a man who has spent more than 10 years with this beautiful mansion. She was Li Chunxiu, who was promoted to deputy general manager in 2018. She is young in the industry and has a long history of nearly Twenty years of work and management experience. In a few conversations with Lee, we can feel that in addition to being meticulous and considerate of the female executives, she also revealed a feature that has some connection with the name of the hotel - boldness. In addition, love to laugh, but also she gave us the most profound impression, or hearty, or minor, in short, the affinity of the smile will always appear in her face.
Using data on firms listed on Chinese A-share markets from 2009 to 2017,this paper applies the difference-in-difference model to test the effect of trade facili