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为了解决燃气发生器喉部时变性和自由容积时变性使得控制系统对燃气发生器压力控制较为困难的问题,采用钨渗铜制成锥阀进行了点火实验,对燃气发生器工作过程中喉部时变性进行了研究,采用模糊PI控制算法与模糊积分算法和PI算法进行压力控制仿真对比,研究了模糊PI控制算法对容积时变的燃气发生器压强控制的有效性。结果表明:由钨渗铜制成的锥阀较好地解决了喉部时变性,当燃气发生器自由容积变化15倍时,模糊PI算法响应速度是PI算法的5.57倍,超调量是PI算法的0.27倍,三种算法中,模糊PI算法响应速度最快、压力产生的超调量最小,因而模糊PI算法可以较好地解决自由容积时变性带来的控制超调和响应慢的问题。 In order to solve the problem that the control system is more difficult to control the pressure of the gas generator in order to solve the problem that when the gas generator laryngeal degeneration and the free volume denaturation make the control system pressure control of the gas generator difficult, ignition test is made using the cone valve of tungsten infiltration copper, Time variation is studied. The fuzzy PI control algorithm is compared with the fuzzy integral algorithm and the PI algorithm to simulate the pressure control. The effectiveness of the fuzzy PI control algorithm on the pressure control of the gas generator with time-varying volume is studied. The results show that the cone valve made of Tungsten infiltration copper solves the lag time variability well. When the free volume of gas generator changes by 15 times, the response speed of fuzzy PI algorithm is 5.57 times that of PI algorithm. The overshoot is PI 0.27 times of the algorithm. Among the three algorithms, the fuzzy PI algorithm has the fastest response speed and the smallest pressure overshoot. Therefore, the fuzzy PI algorithm can better solve the problem of overshoot and slow response caused by free-time variation.
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本文对电推进航天器加注后氙气泄漏技术进行研究,给出基于气相色谱法泄漏检测技术方案。搭建实验平台,通过试验验证了气相色谱法检测电推进航天器泄漏的可行性。 In this pa