立足社会化 深化福利事业单位改革

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抓住机遇,深化改革,建立和完善与社会主义初级阶段生产力水平和实现现代化的历史要求相适应的社会福利体系,是各级民政部门贯彻落实十五大精神的重要任务.经过40多年特别是近20年的不懈努力,我国已经建立了一套社会福利工作网络.民政部门主管的是以孤老残幼等弱者群体为对象的特殊福利事业.目前,全国有国家举办的福利院1274所,其中,综合性社会福利院1070所,儿童福利院77所,精神病院127所,共收养城镇“三无”孤老、孤残儿童、精神病患者65000多人,自费收养人员约3000多人;有乡、镇、街道办敬老院40387个,收养602656人,其中老人563440人;但还有1085个县、234个市没有福利院.随着市场经济体制的建立,这种格局远远不能满足社会的多种需求.因此,要在坚持为”三无”对象服务为主的前提下扩展服务领域和服务对象,深化福利事业单位改革,加快社会福利社会化进程,是社会福利事业改革的方向.社会福利社会化就是在政府的领导下,改变社会福利事业由国家包办的局面,广泛动员和依靠社会力量多层次、多形式、多渠道兴办社会福利事业,逐步形成政策配套、设施完善、多元参与、管理规范、服务优良的工作体系,建立起以国家举办的社会福利机构为骨干,以社区福利服务和民办社会福利机构为主体,以家庭保障为基础的社会福利? To seize the opportunity, deepen the reform, and establish and perfect a social welfare system that is compatible with the historical requirements for the modernization of the productive forces in the primary stage of socialism is an important task for the civil affairs departments at all levels in implementing the spirit of the 15th National Congress. After more than 40 years, Nearly 20 years of unremitting efforts, our country has established a network of social welfare work .Civil affairs department is in charge of vulnerable groups such as lonely old and disabled children as the object of special welfare .At present, there are 1274 welfare institutions held by the state, of which 1070 Comprehensive Social Welfare Institutions, 77 Child Welfare Institutions and 127 Mental Health Hospitals, bringing together over 65,000 people living in solitary old age, orphans and disabled children and mentally ill persons in cities and towns and over 3,000 adoptive persons at their own expense; There are 40,387 retirement homes in towns and sub-districts with an enrollment of 602,656 people, of whom 563,440 are elderly people, but there are 1,085 counties and 234 cities without welfare institutions. With the establishment of a market economy system, this pattern is far from meeting the needs of various social Therefore, it is necessary to expand service areas and service targets under the premise of adhering to the service of “three noes”, deepen the reform of welfare institutions and accelerate the social welfare of society Process is the direction of the reform of social welfare undertakings Socialization of Social Welfare changes the situation in which the social welfare undertakes to be run by the state under the leadership of the government and mobilizes extensively and rely on social forces to establish social welfare undertakings at various levels and in various forms through social channels, We will gradually establish a work system with policy support, well-established facilities, multiple participation, standardized management and excellent service. We will establish a social welfare organization with the state as the backbone, community welfare services and private social welfare agencies as the mainstay, and family protection as the foundation Social Welfare?
中共中央组织部《关于进一步做好培养选拔优秀年轻干部工作的意见》中指出 :必须进一步加紧做好培养选拔优秀年轻干部工作 ,努力造就一大批忠诚于马列主义、坚持走建设有中国
AIM:To investigate the effect of aqueous extract from Mangifera indica L.(MIE)on dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in rats.METHODS:MIE(150 mg/kg)was