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中共中央组织部《关于进一步做好培养选拔优秀年轻干部工作的意见》中指出 :必须进一步加紧做好培养选拔优秀年轻干部工作 ,努力造就一大批忠诚于马列主义、坚持走建设有中国特色社会主义道路、能够跨世纪担当重任的合格接班人。要加大年轻干部实践锻炼的力度 ,要将他们放到艰? The Opinions of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee on Further Doing a Good Job of Cultivating and Selecting Excellent Young Cadres pointed out: We must further step up efforts in training and selecting outstanding young cadres, strive to create a large number of loyal Marxism-Leninists and adhere to the principle of building socialism with Chinese characteristics Road, able to cross the century to assume the task of qualified successors. We must step up young cadres’ practical training and put them in a difficult situation
Let G be a weighted graph with adjacency matrix A=[aij]. An Euclidean graph associated with a molecule is defined by a weighted graph with adjacency matrix D=[d
由国家科研单位与济南龙堂生物有机肥有限公司联合研制生产的新型高效生物肥龙堂壮田地,日前经省级技术标准登记。 生物肥主要以畜禽类粪便为原料,采用先进工艺生产。主要特
N-2-Thiazolylacrylamide (NTA) was polymerized by a radical route to obtain the polymer in good yield. The polymer with a pendent heterocyclic group is soluble i
A novel platinum(IV) complex [Ph3PEt]2[PtCl6] 1 obtained from the reaction of H2PtCl6 and [Ph3PEt]I (Ph3PEt+ = ethyl-triphenylphosphenonium) has been structural
The results and main findings of studies reported in the literature in relation to the deposition of calcium phosphate onTi in simulated body fluids are summari