Influence of zinc sulfate intake on acute ethanol-induced liver injury in rats

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiang5656
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AIM: To investigate the role of metallothionein and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) on the morphological and biochemical effects of zinc sulfate in ethanol-induced liver injury. METHODS: Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. GroupⅠ; intact rats, groupⅡ; control rats given only zinc, groupⅢ; animals given absolute ethanol, group IV; rats given zinc and absolute ethanol. Ethanol-induced injury was produced by the 1 mL of absolute ethanol, administrated by gavage technique to each rat. Animals received 100 mg/kg per day zinc sulfate for 3 d 2 h prior to the administration of absolute ethanol. RESULTS: Increases in metallothionein immunoreactivity in control rats given only zinc and rats given zinc and ethanol were observed. PCNA immunohistochemistry showed that the number of PCNA-positive hepatocytes was increased significantly in the livers of rats administered ethanol + zinc sulfate. Acute ethanol exposure caused degenerative morphological changes in the liver. Blood glutathione levels decreased, serum alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase activities increased in the ethanol group when compared to the control group. Liver glutathione levels were reduced, but lipid peroxidation increased in the livers of the group administered ethanol as compared to the other groups. Administration of zinc sulfate in the ethanol group caused a significant decrease in degenerative changes, lipid peroxidation, and alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase activities, but an increase in liver glutathione. CONCLUSION: Zinc sulfate has a protective effect on ethanol-induced liver injury. In addition, cell proliferation may be related to the increase in metallothionein immunoreactivity in the livers of rats administered ethanol + zinc sulfate. AIM: To investigate the role of metallothionein and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) on the morphological and biochemical effects of zinc sulfate in ethanol-induced liver injury. METHODS: Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. Group I; intact rats, group II; animals given absolute ethanol, group III; animals given absolute ethanol, group IV; animals given absolute ethanol, group IV; rats given zinc and absolute ethanol. ethanol-induced injury was produced by the 1 mL of absolute ethanol, administered by gavage technique to each rat. Animals received 100 mg / kg per day zinc sulfate for 3 d 2 prior to the administration of absolute ethanol. RESULTS: Increases in metallothionein immunoreactivity in control rats given only zinc and rats given zinc and ethanol were observed. PCNA immunohistochemistry showed that the number of PCNA-positive hepatocytes was increased significantly in the livers of rats administered ethanol + zinc sulfate. Acute ethanol exposure caused degenerative morphological changes in the live r. Blood glutathione levels decreased, serum alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase activities increased in the ethanol group when compared to the control group. Liver glutathione levels were reduced, but lipid peroxidation increased in the livers of the group administered ethanol as compared to the other groups . Administration of zinc sulfate in the ethanol group caused a significant decrease in degenerative changes, lipid peroxidation, and alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase activities, but an increase in liver glutathione. CONCLUSION: Zinc sulfate has a protective effect on ethanol-induced liver injury. In addition, cell proliferation may be related to the increase in metallothionein immunoreactivity in the livers of rats administered ethanol + zinc sulfate.
摘 要:改善学困生的学习状况在学校各科教学中都是不可避免的,在农村小学中这种情况更加突出,与小学教育一起至今是无法根本解决的难题。随着新课改的深入,让不同的学生得到不同的发展,逐渐成为教育工作者的共识,也成为大家关注的焦点。就农村小学数学学困生的原因和激发他们对数学的学习兴趣进行了简要的论述。  关键词:农村小学;数学学困生;兴趣  学困生是指学习上有障碍,进步比较慢,学习水平比较低的人或群体。数
例1男,74岁,于2001年5月7日以反复头晕6 d,活动时尤甚,就诊于某县医院内科.当时体检血压100/58mmHg(13.3/7.71 kPa),双肺未见异常,心率60次,闻及频发早搏3~5次/min,无杂音,主动脉瓣区第2音>肺动脉瓣第2音,拟头晕原因待查,心律失常-室上性期前收缩等诊断,予以氟桂利嗪等治疗。
摘 要:无论是新课标教育还是传统教育,小学数学学科始终作为整个义务教育阶段的重中之重,需要每一名教育工作者倾入大量的耐心和使命感进行授课。而数学这门学科的内容却是枯燥、无味的,这就直接导致了相当一部分学生失去了对数学学习的兴趣和耐心,这种情况下便应景而生了很多新兴的教育方式,比如具有引导意义的情境模式教学、具有互动性的互动模式教学等。这些新颖的教学手段都是以培养学生的学习兴趣作为最终教育目标,虽然