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第三部门在政府职能转变过程中扮演着重要角色,政府失灵、市场失灵以及第三部门自身的“志愿失灵”赋予了第三部门存在的合法性。但是我国第三部门在发展的过程中由于历史、政治制度以及经济社会与西方的差异性出现了独立性不足、经费不足、公众对其信任的不足以及在监管上的不足的问题。因此政府和第三部门双方需要在转变政府管理体制、完善监督机制、提高公众公共参与和第三部门的公信力上作出努力。 The third sector plays an important role in the transformation of government functions. The government failure, market failure and the “voluntary failure” of the third sector give legitimacy to the existence of the third sector. However, in the course of its development, the third sector of our country has suffered from problems of lack of independence, lack of funds, lack of trust in the public, and lack of supervision due to historical and political systems as well as the differences between economic, social and the western countries. Therefore, both the government and the third department need to make efforts in transforming the government management system, perfecting the supervision mechanism, enhancing public public participation and the credibility of the third sector.
In this paper, the authors study the existence and nonexistence of multiplepositive solutions for problem-△ u + u = f(x, u) + μh(x), x ∈RN,u ∈ H1(RN), (*)μ
目的 建立血清中甲磺酸帕珠沙星浓度的反相高效液相色谱分析方法。方法 取待测血清,加入内标甲醇溶液适量。加入甲醇沉淀蛋白,离心后取上清液进样测定。结果 将帕珠沙星峰面积(A
抗结核药物广泛应用以来,喉结核已明显减少,在诊断中常易被忽略或误诊,我院收治2例,报告如下。 1 病例报告 例1 患者,28岁。声嘶,咽喉部疼痛1月余,吞咽困难,伴发热38℃,以普
笔者应用自拟加味逍遥散内服,治疗痤疮160例,收到满意效果,现介绍如下。 1 临床资料 160例均为门诊病人,年龄在18~24岁之间,病程最短为5个月,最长为2年,其临床表现大致相同。
<正>Assume that in the nonlinear regression model, independent variable sequence {xi,i≥1} is a known constant-vector sequence. This article proposes a conditio