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一九三五年春,日本帝国主义加紧了全面侵华准备。蒋介石却置民族存亡于不顾,坚持不抵抗政策,继续进行反共反人民的内战。我党为向国内外同胞开展政治宣传,促进抗日民族统一战线的建立,在国外创办了《救国报》。《救国报》于一九三五年五月出版创刊号。初为半月刊,旋改周刊,后又出五日刊、三日刊。该报由我党驻共产国际代表团负责主办,廖焕星、李立三同志先后任主编。编辑部设在苏联莫斯科,印刷和发行 In the spring of 1935, Japanese imperialists stepped up preparations for an all-out invasion of China. However, Chiang Kai-shek ignored the national survival and insisted on not resisting the policy of continuing the anti-communist and anti-people civil war. Our party has carried out political propaganda for its compatriots both at home and abroad and promoted the establishment of an anti-Japanese national united front and established the “Saving the Nation” newspaper abroad. The National Salvation Press published its first issue in May 1935. At the beginning of the semi-monthly, revolving weekly, then out of the five journals, three journals. The newspaper was hosted by our party’s delegation to the Communist International, with Chief Editor Liao Huanxing and Li Lisan successively. The editorial department is located in Moscow, the Soviet Union, printing and distribution
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