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美术史是美术学院的一门公共课,同时也是一门专业基础课。本科一般开设两学年,专科一般开设一学年。美术史又分中国美术史和外国美术史两部分,授课比例上一般各占一半(专科课程中,中国美术史略多于外国美术史).这种格局在五十年代初形成后至今没有多大改变。此外,美术史又是一门独立学科,属国家确定的“美术学”专业,我们西安美术学院,近年来只在硕士学位研究生阶段开设有这个专业。本文所论及的美术史教学改革的实践和构想,主要是针对第一种情况,即作为公共课和专业基础课的美术史,在本科二、三年级和专科二年级不分专业普遍设置。 美术史没有统编教材,各美术学院在几十年以来的教学中逐步探索出了一套各自的办法,各校之间既相似又相异。中国美术史由主要讲授绘画史转变到绘画与雕塑、工艺、建筑诸门类相结合的综合性美术史;外国美术史则由欧洲美术史转到世界美术史。与五十年代初期相比,我们在教课范围上得到了很大的扩充,课本的采用也逐渐形成了自编教材和外校教材相 Art history is a public art school, but also a professional basic course. Undergraduate general set up two school years, junior college general set up a school year. The history of art is divided into two parts: the history of Chinese art and the history of foreign art, and the proportions of teaching are generally one-half (junior college art history is slightly more than that of foreign art history) .This pattern has not been much since the formation of the early 1950s change. In addition, the history of art is an independent discipline, which belongs to the “art” specialty established by the state. Our Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts has opened this major only in the graduate school of master's degree in recent years. The practice and conception of art history teaching reform mentioned in this article mainly focuses on the first case, that is, the history of art as the basic course of public courses and majors is universally established in the second and third grades of undergraduate and post-secondary education. There is no unified textbook of art history. Art academies have gradually developed their own methods of teaching since decades of teaching, with similarities and differences between schools. The history of Chinese art has shifted from the teaching of painting to the comprehensive art of painting combining with sculpture, craft and architecture. The history of foreign art has been transferred from the history of European fine arts to the world art history. Compared with the early 1950s, we have greatly expanded the scope of teaching, the use of textbooks also gradually formed a self-compiled teaching materials and external teaching materials
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