自觉忍耐 开拓进取——沈阳军区朱敦法副司令员1989年1月22日在军区后勤工作会议上的讲话

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按照党的十三届三中全会、军委扩大会议,以及全军后勤工作会议精神,根据军区党委提出的“稳定部队,整治军风,强化训练,抓好基层”的指导思想,结合后勤工作实际,我讲四点意见。一、服从大局,自觉忍耐这是我们必须树立的一个观念。早在1984年,邓小平主席就指出军队要忍耐。要做到自觉忍耐,就必须大局在胸。只有牢固树立服从大局的观念,忍耐才有基础,才有自觉性。现在有这样一些说法:“养不起这 In accordance with the Party’s 13th Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Military Commission to expand the meeting, as well as the spirit of the logistics work conference, according to the military region party committee put forward “stabilizing the military, rectify the military style, strengthen training, grassroots” guiding ideology, combined with the actual logistics I will make four comments. First, obey the overall situation and consciously endure this is an idea we must establish. As early as 1984, Chairman Deng Xiaoping pointed out that the army should endure. To be patient, you have to be in the big picture. Only by firmly establishing the concept of obeying the overall situation will there be a foundation for patience and consciousness. Now there is such a statement: "can not afford this
(一) 我对《军事历史》是期期必读的。在我们这里,也普遍地欢迎它。因为它给了我们许多军事历史知识,启发我们思考未来战争中的一些问题。长期以来,在“左”的思想影响下,我
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我坦克兵在最短的时间内毁伤敌坦克最多的是志愿军坦克某团215号坦克,该车在淤陷无法抢救的情况下,就地伪装,抓住战机,在五分钟内将敌坦克击毁二辆、击伤一辆,因此荣 Tanks
一.实行精兵政策的历史根据 (一)精兵简政历来是名家推崇之策精兵,即减少军队数量,提高军队质量。2000多年前,战国初期的吴起就提出:“以治为胜,兵不在众。”明代的尹宾商指
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每年的9月20日是全国爱牙日(Teeth Care Day)。牙齿(teeth)是我们口腔中重要的组成部分,如何拥有一口健康的牙齿呢?Teeth Care Day is coming!快来看看大家是怎样保护牙齿的
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