Evaluation of the effect of partial splenic embolization on platelet values for liver cirrhosis pati

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huier0127
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AIM: To investigate the effect of partial splenic embolization (PSE) on platelet values in liver cirrhosis patients with thrombocytopenia and to determine the effective embolization area for platelet values improvement. METHODS: Blood parameters and liver function indicators were measured on 10 liver cirrhosis patients (6 in Child-Pugh grade A and 4 in grade B) with thrombocytopenia (platelet values < 80 × 103/μL) before embolization. Computed tomography scan was also needed in advance to acquire the splenic baseline. After 2 to 3 d, angiography and splenic embolization were performed. A second computed tomography scan was made to confirm the embolization area after 2 to 3 wk of embolization. The blood parameters of patients were also examined biweekly during the 1 year follow-up period. RESULTS: According to the computed tomography images after partial splenic embolization, we divided all patients into two groups: low (< 30%), and high (≥ 30%) embolization area groups. The platelet values were increased by 3 times compared to baseline levels after 2 wk of embolization in high embolization area group. In addition, there were significant differences in platelet values between low and high embolization area groups. GPT values decreased significantly in all patients after 2 wk of embolization. The improvement in platelet and GPT values still persisted until 1 year after PSE. In addition, 3 of 4 (75%) Child-Pugh grade B patients progressed to grade A after 2 mo of PSE. The complicationrate in < 30% and ≥ 30% embolization area groups was 50% and 100%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Partial splenic embolization is an effective method to improve platelet values and GPT values in liver cirrhosis patients with thrombocytopenia and the ≥ 30% embolization area is meaningful for platelet values improvement. The relationship between the complication rate and embolization area needs further studies. A: To investigate the effect of partial splenic embolization (PSE) on platelet values ​​in liver cirrhosis patients with thrombocytopenia and to determine the effective embolization area for platelet values ​​improvement. METHODS: Blood parameters and liver function indicators were measured on 10 liver cirrhosis patients ( 6 in Child-Pugh grade A and 4 in grade B) with thrombocytopenia (platelet values ​​<80 × 103 / μL) before embolization. Computed tomography scan was also needed in advance to acquire the splenic baseline. After 2 to 3 days, angiography and A second computed tomography scan was made to confirm the embolization area after 2 to 3 wk of embolization. The blood parameters of patients were also examined biweekly during the 1 year follow-up period. RESULTS: According to the computed tomography images after partial splenic embolization, we divided all patients into two groups: low (<30%), and high (> 30%) embolization area groups. The platele t values ​​were increased by 3 times compared to baseline levels after 2 wk of embolization in high embolization area groups. In addition, there were significant differences in platelet values ​​between low and high embolization area groups. GPT values ​​decreased significantly in all patients after 2 weeks In addition, 3 of 4 (75%) Child-Pugh grade B patients progressed to grade A after 2 months of PSE. The complication rate in <30% and ≥ 30% embolization area groups was 50% and 100%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Partial splenic embolization is an effective method to improve platelet values ​​and GPT values ​​in liver cirrhosis patients with thrombocytopenia and the ≥ 30% embolization area is meaningful for platelet values improvement. The relationship between the complication rate and embolization area needs further studies.
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宇文护是西魏北周时期最重要的历史人物之一,他身兼宗室与权臣双重身份,为宇文氏家族建立北周政权立下汗马功劳,最后却被堂弟周武帝宇文邕诛杀,曾经的大功臣落了个身败名裂的下场,这种大逆转的人生不得不令人感叹。  宇文护字萨保,生于北魏延昌二年(513年),是西魏大丞相宇文泰长兄宇文颢的小儿子。其父去世后,便跟随诸位叔父在葛荣军中历练,葛荣战败后,宇文护又流落到晋阳。当初宇文泰进入关中的时候,宇文护因为年