1992年岁尾,重庆针织总厂的破产,把3000“重针人”带入了心寒难熬的冬季,一年以后“海针厂”的新生,又为他们带来了盎然春意,备感欣喜。因为他们身体力行与企业一道历经了“死而复生”的艰难跨越,经受了“衰也机制,兴也机制”的质变历程。 1992年11月3日,是中国经济界相新闻传媒难以忘却的日子。有着42年历史的我国西南地区最大国有针织企业——重庆针织总厂,由于6年连续亏损累计2097万元,负债总额8250万元,资产负债率高达191%,终因资不抵债,被重庆市中级人民法院裁定,依法宣告破产。
At the end of 1992, the bankruptcy of the Chongqing Knitting Factory took 3000 “heavy needles” into the cold winter. One year later, the new life of the “Sea needle factory” brought a lot of spring to them. . Because they have worked hard with the company to survive the “resurrection” of the difficult leaps, experienced the “decline mechanism, also the mechanism” of qualitative change. On November 3, 1992, it was an unforgettable day for the news media of Chinese economic circles. The largest state-owned knitting company in southwestern China, the 42-year-old Chongqing Knitting Factory, has accumulated a total of 20.97 million yuan in losses for six consecutive years, total liabilities of 82.5 million yuan, and a debt-to-assets ratio of 191%. It was eventually insolvent and was in Chongqing. The Municipal Intermediate People’s Court ruled that it declared bankruptcy in accordance with law.