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我国的建筑工程建设程序划分为六个阶段:即项目建议书阶段、可行性研究阶段、设计文件阶段、建设准备阶段、建设实施阶段、竣工验收阶段。其中设计文件阶段也就是工程设计阶段。工程设计是对建设实施的计划和安排,工程设计完成后,建筑的使用功能和外观就定形了,因此,一个工程的造价在施工图设计完成之后已基本确定。工程设计费用在建设工程全过程费用中比例不大,根据建筑物的性质和规模的不同,一般只占建安成本的1.5%~3%,但对工程造价的影响是决定性的,设计质量的好坏直接影响建设工期的长短,直接决定人、财、物的投入,最终决定了工程经济性的高低。所以设计阶段是建设工程造价控制的关键与重点,设计阶段不仅须考虑设计对象的外观和功能,尚须重视工程的经济性。在结构设计方面,设计人员的作用和价值,就是在符合建筑使用功能和外观要求的基础上,在结构安全和经济性之间寻求平衡点。因此,找出影响工程造价的关键因素及其规律,对设计人员在设计过程控制造价具有重要的意义。本文试图以工程实践经验并通过简单算例来定性分析在保证结构安全的前提下,结构设计中若干重要因素对工程造价的影响。 China’s construction project construction process is divided into six phases: the project proposal stage, the feasibility study stage, the design document stage, the construction preparation stage, the construction implementation stage, the completion acceptance stage. Which design document stage is the engineering design phase. Engineering design is the plan and arrangement for the implementation of the project. After the project design is completed, the function and appearance of the building are shaped. Therefore, the cost of a project has been basically determined after the construction drawing design is completed. The cost of engineering design is not large in the whole process of construction. According to the nature and scale of the building, it generally accounts for 1.5% -3% of the construction cost, but the impact on the construction cost is decisive and the design quality is good A direct impact on the length of the construction period, directly determine the investment of people, money and property, and ultimately determine the level of engineering economy. Therefore, the design phase is the key and key point in construction project cost control. The design phase not only needs to consider the appearance and function of the design object, but also emphasizes the economy of the project. In structural design, the role and value of designers is to strike a balance between structural safety and economy, building on the functional and cosmetic requirements of the building. Therefore, it is of great significance to find out the key factors that affect the cost of the project and its rules, which will greatly affect the designer’s control over the design process. This paper attempts to qualitatively analyze the impact of several important factors in the structural design on the project cost under the premise of ensuring the structural safety by engineering practice and through simple examples.
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优先权制度源于1 883年问世的《保护工业产权巴黎公约》。为什么巴黎公约要规定优先权制度,它的设立初衷是什么?优先权的作用有哪些?优先权制度与先申请原则是什么关系?对这
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人性之美是万美之宗。它发自心性,长于涵养,持于磨练,展现于自然。人性之美并非天生,善念之闪,恶念之生,虽都瞬间生发,然而, 究竟是善念做主,还是恶念当家,靠的是心灵的磨练
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