
来源 :新疆农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgrwflh
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目前,在我区农林生产,甚至在观赏花卉的栽培中,叶螨严重为害的情况经常发生,防治叶螨已成为生产中不可缺少的一项重要措施,其防治手段主要以使用化学药剂为主。考察各地防治现状,拟提出几个应注意的问题。 一、杀蛾药剂的选择: 由于缺乏基本的农药知识,基层生产部门在叶螨防治中盲目用药的现象时有发生。有些生产队竞用滴滴涕,六六六粉防治叶螨,这不仅抑制不了叶螨的为害,而且浪费人力、物力、得不偿失。更严重的 At present, in our area of ​​agriculture and forestry production, even in ornamental flowers cultivation, spider mite serious damage often occurs, the prevention and control of spider mites has become an indispensable production of an important measure, the main means of prevention and control using chemical agents . Investigate the status of prevention and treatment in various places and propose several issues that should be noticed. First, kill the moth agent choice: Due to the lack of basic knowledge of pesticides, grassroots production departments in the prevention and treatment of spider mites in the blind medication from time to time have occurred. Some production teams competed for DDT and 666 powder to control spider mites, which not only did not restrain the damage caused by spider mites, but also wastes human and material resources. More serious
水稻白叶枯病[Xanthomonas oryzae(Uyelaet Ishiyama)Dowson]是水稻的一种重要病害,该病在东南亚和南亚次大陆发生普遍,为害严重。我国在30—40年以前就有白叶枯病发生,曾被
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新华社电 :一个国际科学家小组近日宣布 ,他们已绘制出向人类传播疟疾的最主要蚊子种类———冈比亚按蚊的基因组序列图谱 ,这一成果有望用于研制防治疟疾的新式“武器”。美
自 196 8年首次报道骨髓移植 (BMT)以来 ,全世界已有相当数量成功的病例报道。根据国际血液和骨髓注册机构的可靠资料 ,在1998年全世界实施 BMT的病例已超过 4 .5万。因此 ,
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