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随着钻井技术的发展,连续油管钻井(CTD)技术已日益广泛地得到应用。CTD技术广泛应用于再钻井和多分支井的钻井中。连续油管(CT)欠平衡钻井可用于通过降低地层损害、提高产油量以及提高机械钻速。同时,该技术有助于减少循环漏失和压差卡钻等问题。已设计出一种新式底部钻具组合(BHA)来与当前及今后的CTD技术相适应。第一代BHA通常都是些笨重的设备,定向慢,不易装卸。并且只能将有限的数据传输到地面。这些依据泥浆脉冲遥测技术工作的BHA已无法在欠平衡钻井作业中所使用的充气泥浆中进行实时操作。本文描述了一种新式组合装置,通过在CT内的电缆用电力对BHA动力部分进行定向。同一电缆也用于从传感器组件以100K字节/秒的速度传输数据。相比而言,原先使用的泥浆脉冲遥测技术的传输仅能达到几个字节/秒,电力操纵的导向工具在BHA动力段的定向或连续旋转中最小的可调角度为1°。该工具的这一特性允许旋转部件以滑动方式进入地层。这样通过减少CT弯曲度,增加了定向的稳定性和提高了机械速率。该工具还配备了压力传感器,用于监测控制欠平衡钻井时所需的CT压力及环空压力。伽玛射线传感器,套管接箍探测仪,方向及井斜传感器,与常规BHA相比,位置更靠? With the development of drilling technology, coiled tubing drilling (CTD) technology has been increasingly widely used. CTD technology is widely used in re-drilling and multi-branch well drilling. Coiled Tubing (CT) Underbalanced drilling can be used to increase ROP by reducing formation damage, increasing oil production and increasing drilling penetration. At the same time, the technology helps to minimize cycle loss and differential sticking problems. A new bottom hole assembly (BHA) has been devised to accommodate current and future CTD technologies. The first generation of BHA are usually bulky equipment, slow orientation, easy loading and unloading. And limited data can only be transmitted to the ground. These BHA operations based on mud pulse telemetry have not been able to operate in real time in aerated slurries used in underbalanced drilling operations. This article describes a novel combination of devices that direct the power of the BHA through electrical power within the CT. The same cable is also used to transfer data from the sensor assembly at 100K bytes / sec. In contrast, the mud pulse telemetry technology used previously delivered only a few bytes per second and the power steering tool had a minimum adjustable angle of 1 ° in the directional or continuous rotation of the BHA power section. This feature of the tool allows rotating components to slip into the formation. This reduces the CT curvature, increases directional stability and increases mechanical speed. The tool is also equipped with a pressure sensor for monitoring the CT pressure and annulus pressure needed to control underbalanced drilling. Gamma Ray Sensors, Bushing Coupler Detectors, Direction and Inclinometer Sensors, Positions More Than Conventional BHA?
通过实验室测试和现场应用试验,研究了高效稠油降粘剂的降粘效果。 Through the laboratory test and field application test, the viscosity-reducing effect of high vis
西秦岭地区在印支期受南北方向的挤压 ,北东向逃逸构造较为发育 ,通过几何学、应变学、运动学等特征的研究 ,认为逃逸构造是造山带中重要的构造格架 ,而滑覆是其主要机制 Th
为降低极低体重儿的死亡率. 方法 本文分析了我科NICU自1992年1月~1996年6月间收治的早产、极低出生体重儿138例临床资料. 结果 平均胎龄33周,平均出生体重1 283g,均合并一种
在以往的研究中,我们曾借鉴日本在战后经济发展初期对外汇和外贸实行集中管理、对国内“幼小产业”(infant industries)实行适当保护政策的成功经验而提出:在外汇资金处于经