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全省检察机关在集中教育整顿中决心大、措施硬,从难从严,取得了较为明显的阶段性成果。今年,他们仍然把队伍建设放在突出位置,继续开展全员参与的“创五好、两满意”活动,以巩固教育整顿成果。就此,本刊记者采访了省人民检察院检察长索维东。记者:最近,省人民检察院作出关于在全省检察机关开展“创五好、两满意”活动的决定,请问索检察长,“五好、两满意”的内容和标准是什么?索检察长:“创五好”是指有一个好的领导班子,有一支好队伍,有一套好机制,有好的工作业绩,有好的社会形象;“两满意”是指争创人民满意的检察院,争当人民满意的检察干警。“五好”中好班子的标准是政治坚定,执法严格,廉洁务实,开拓进取,团结战斗,干警信任,人民满意;好队伍的标准是,政治坚强可靠, The procuratorial organs in the province are determined and centralized in their efforts to rectify and intensify their education and make it harder and harder to make the more pronounced stage achievements. This year, they still place their team building on a prominent position and continue to carry out “five good and two satisfactory” activities with full participation so as to consolidate the achievements in education and rectification. In this connection, the reporter interviewed the Provincial People’s Procuratorate Procurator Sowei Dong. Reporter: Recently, the Provincial People’s Procuratorate made a decision on carrying out activities of “creating a good five and satisfying two” in the procuratorial organs in the province. What is the content and standard of “five good and two satisfactory”? Attorney general: “a good five” means that there is a good leadership team, a good team, a good mechanism, a good job performance, a good social image; “two satisfaction” means Procuratorate striving for satisfying the people and procuratorial cadres who are satisfied by the people. The standard of a good team in “Five Good” is political stability, strict law enforcement, honesty and pragmatism, pioneering spirit, unity and fighting, officers and soldiers trust, and people’s satisfaction. The standard of a good team is that politics are strong and reliable,
作者介绍了白内障手术的三种併发症,即手术时玻璃状体脱出,术后由于玻璃状体索条嵌顿在切口内所引起的偏斜瞳孔和虹膜与部分或全部角膜伤口后面粘连(前粘连)的处理办法。 T
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白内障摘出术后,当玻璃状体粘着于角膜 后面,角膜可发生 水肿混浊,继以大泡性角膜炎合併青光眼,终致失明疼痛。这种少见但极重要的白内障术后 After cataract extraction,