1993年12月2日上午,泗洪县保险公司经理高浩林冒雨前往医院慰问“小来喜”,并将儿童养老金保险证送到他的手中。 “小来喜”并不是他的原名。1993年元月18日,这个年约4岁左右的幼童,被人贩子拐卖到江苏泗洪县朱湖乡农民朱向友家,起名为朱来喜。同年9月17日,“小来喜”又惨遭车祸,永远失去了左腿。事发后,肇事者和买主先后花去4000多元钱,均已囊空如洗,尚欠医院2000余元。孩子
On the morning of December 2, 1993, Gao Haolin, manager of the insurance company in Sihong County, went to the hospital for condolences to “Little Comedy” and sent the child’s pension insurance card to him. “Xiao Xi Xi” is not his original name. On January 18, 1993, a young child of about 4 years old this year was trafficked to a farmer named Zhu Xiang-you, a farmer from Zhuhu Township, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province. In the same year, September 17, “Little Comedy” suffered another car accident and lost her left leg forever. After the incident, the perpetrators and buyers have spent more than 4,000 yuan of money have been empty-packed, still owe the hospital more than 2,000 yuan. child