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【赏析】Richard Cory 是埃德温·阿林顿·罗宾逊的一首描写人物的短诗。全诗共4节,前3节写理查德·科里,第4节写工人的生活及科里的命运。据我院美国专家 Dr Gaier 讲,科里是英国的一个资本家,非常富有:And he was rich-yes,richer than a king;他英俊潇洒:imperially slim,slim 在这里的意思是 attractive,所以人见人爱:(he was)clean favored;clean的意思是 all the way,completely;他衣着考究,言少语寡(quietly arrayed),但讲起话来温文尔 [Appreciation] Richard Cory is a short poem by Edwin Arrington Robinson describing characters. The whole poem consists of four sections. The first three sections describe Richard Cory and the fourth section describes the lives of workers and the fate of Cory. According to American Institute of American expert Dr Gaier, Corey is a British capitalist, very rich: And he was rich-yes, richer than a king; he was handsome: imperially slim, slim here is attractive, so people see He was clean favored; clean meant all the way, completely; he was well-dressed, quietly arrayed, but spoke Wen Wener
亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding 1707~1754)被称为英国小说之父是由于他的5部长篇小说:《夏美拉》(1741,对理查逊《帕美拉》的嘲弄模仿、《安德鲁斯》(1742,类似《唐·吉诃德》
Predictions—often gloomy—have been made about the future ofEnglish.It is worth considering the bases for such predictions withrespect to the various uses of
英语词汇的总量很大 ,而且随着社会的发展 ,科技的进步而不断更新扩大。因此 ,对于一个英语学习者来说 ,扩大词汇量是永无止境的。作为一名英语教学工作者 ,如何有效地进行英
英国社会早期的戏剧形式主要是奇迹剧(Miracle Play)和道德剧(Morality play)。奇迹剧又称神秘剧(Mystery play),从十三到十五世纪,在英国大地广为上演。从广义上说,它是指
外贸英语中有一些使用十分频繁的词汇很容易被误译,原因是商务英语中 相同的单词在不同情况下具有不同的含义。现将这些单词的不同用法和含义试 加比较说明。 Some of the m