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丁文江(1887-1936),江苏人,地质学家、地质教育家。他创办了我国第一个地质机构——中国地质调查所,领导了我国早期地质调查与科学研究工作,推动了地震、土壤、燃料等研究室的建立。1911年5月,离国已整整九年的丁文江从英国学成归来。天空清澈,海风拂面,站在轮船甲板上的丁文江一脸沉静:他决定不在终点上海下船就近回家,而是在越南海防登岸,乘滇越铁路火车入云南。由此开始他在祖国大西南的徒步旅行。这次旅行历时两个多月,行程约万里,他饱览祖国壮丽河山,熟悉了各地风土人情,为以后数赴西南进行地质考察打下了基础。丁文江热衷地质教育源于对地质考察的钟爱。1912年,丁文江在上海南洋中学任教,教授化学、地质、动物、英文、西洋史等课,为让教材更适合学生使用,他以生物进化论观点为准绳,编纂校本教材《动物学教科书》,深受学生喜爱。教师要得到学生的喜爱与尊重并非易事,除了必备的专业知识外,还要有认真负责、以身作则的精神。 Ding Wenjiang (1887-1936), Jiangsu, geologist, geologist. He founded China’s first geological institute - China Geological Survey, which led the early geological survey and scientific research in China, and promoted the establishment of research institutes such as earthquakes, soils and fuels. In May 1911, Ding Wenjiang, a full nine years after his departure from China, returned from studying in the United Kingdom. The sky was clear and the sea breeze was blowing. Ding Wenjiang, who was standing on the deck of a ship, was quiet: he decided not to go home near the terminal in Shanghai, but to disembark at Haiphong, Vietnam, and take the Yunnan-Vietnam railway to Yunnan. From there he started his hiking in the greater southwest of the motherland. The trip lasted more than two months and traveled about 10,000 miles. He had a magnificent view of the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland and became familiar with the local customs and practices, laying the foundation for the subsequent geological exploration in the southwest. Ding Wenjiang keen geology education from the geological investigation of love. In 1912, Ding Wenjiang taught in Shanghai Nanyang High School, teaching chemistry, geology, animal, English, history of the West and other classes. In order to make the textbook more suitable for students to use, he took the view of biological evolution as the guideline and compiled the textbook of zoology, Popular by students. Teachers want to get the students love and respect is not easy, in addition to the necessary professional knowledge, but also have a serious and responsible, set an example by the spirit.
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