种苗进棚 先防病虫

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近年来,苗期病虫害高发、死棵问题,成为制约蔬菜发展的重要瓶颈。笔者在下乡采访时经常有菜农反映,苗子刚定植没几天就全棚上了病,到底是苗子带菌还是定植后染的病,很难说清楚。菜农接收苗子前后,正是苗子最为脆弱、易感染病虫害的时候。病害从侵染到发病都有一段较长的时间,一旦发病,再去防治难度较大,若提前做好了预防,就不会出现大量死棵的问题。 In recent years, the high incidence of seedling pests and diseases, the dead tree has become an important bottleneck restricting the development of vegetables. I often interviewed farmers in the countryside reflect farmers, seedlings just a few days after planting on the whole shed on the disease, in the end is the disease after planting seedlings or colonization, it is difficult to make it clear. Peasants before and after receiving seedlings, it is the seedlings of the most vulnerable, susceptible to pests and diseases. Disease from the onset of infection have a long period of time, once the disease, go to prevent more difficult, if done well in advance, there will not be a large number of dead trees.
先天性肝内胆管囊性扩张症即Caroli病,是一种先天性肝内胆管多发节段性囊性扩张病,由法国学者Jaeque Caroli 于1958年首先描述、报道而得名.此病为一种少见病,发病率小于1/10万,本院于2012年3月收治1例,现报道如下.一、病例资料患者女性,13岁,因"发现肝硬化伴反复畏寒、发热1年余"入院.2010年12月,患者于受凉后出现畏寒、发热,自服"感冒药"后逐渐出现烦躁、意识模糊,呕
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The phytophagous insect, Epiblema strenuana, is an effective biocontrol agent against Am-brosia and Parthenium, and was introduced to China in 1990 to control A