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河北省井陉县供电局为了加强农村用电管理,1997年4月,给各乡(镇)电管站配备了微机。4月份电费回收是微机结算的试行阶段,5月份农村的电费回收实行双轨制,即三联单和微机开票同时使用,6月份全部实行微机制票。尔后,乡站的报表、档案管理都运用了微机管理。 1997年11月8日至25日,县局对各乡站的微机管理进行了跟踪检查。重点是了解微机管理后,低压线损有何变化。我们井陉县供电局要求低压线损率指标必须控制在10%以内。若达到这个要求,执行我县的照明、农业、机井扬水每千瓦·时0.49元,工副业0.67元的综合电价后,不会亏损并且还有结余。这次检查首先查看三种资料:1.每月各站上报农电科的线损表存根。2.供电局收取每个行政村配电室总表电量的票据存根,票是由县局微机室统一打印的。3.乡站结算每个行政村一家一户电量电费的票据存根、电表数据、电价、电量、金额和该村的总电量和总金额。用三种资料对照,审核每月报表的线损值是否确实。 In order to strengthen rural power management, the Jingui County Power Supply Bureau of Hebei Province provided microcomputers to the township (town) power management stations in April 1997. The recovery of electricity bills in April was a trial period for the settlement of microcomputers. In May, the electricity tariff recovery in rural areas was implemented in a dual-track system, ie triple billing and computer billing were used simultaneously. In June, micro-mechanism tickets were all implemented. Afterwards, the report and file management of the township station all use computer management. From November 8 to 25, 1997, the county bureau conducted a follow-up inspection of the microcomputer management at each township station. The key point is to understand how the low-voltage line loss changes after the microcomputer management. We Jingyi County Power Supply Bureau requires the low-voltage line loss rate indicator must be controlled within 10%. If this requirement is met, the lighting, agriculture, well pumping at the station will be 0.49 yuan per kilowatt-hour for the county, and 0.67 yuan for the industry vice-president, so there will be no loss and balance. The inspection first checks three kinds of data: 1. Every month, the station reports the line loss table stub of the Agricultural Power Division. 2. The electricity supply bureau receives the bill stubs for the total electricity of each distribution room of the administrative village. The tickets are printed uniformly by the computer room of the county bureau. 3. The township station settles bill stubs, electricity meter data, electricity prices, electricity, amount, and the total electricity and total amount of the village in each administrative village. With three kinds of data, check whether the line loss value of the monthly statement is true.
一、要收获首先必须创造 我们中国是 个强调精神的国家,所以我们的哲学相比其它民族显得更为丰富。世界上有一些民族对于商业崇尚,对于财富的追求几乎是一种理所当然的坦荡,
1 加强农网建设,开拓新的农电市场1990年末,贵州省电网只覆盖了42个县,覆盖率仅48.8%.截至1997年底已建成46个110千伏输变电项目,省电网覆盖率已达95.3%.预计到1999年初省电