
来源 :国外铁道车辆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lialiaoliao
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一、心盘型式的选择球面心盘和平面心盘是常用的:两种心盘。其结构示于图1。某些铁路,如匈牙利国有铁路主要用球面心盘,而其它国家(苏联、美国、英国)的货车几乎全采用平面心盘。有些装有平面心盘的罐车车体比装球面心盘的罐体更不稳定。这些罐车在保养不良的线路上经常脱轨;尤其值得注意的是,重车罐车的脱轨比空车多得多,这就有必要对这种现象作详细的调查,研究车底架支承在转向架中心上的连接关系。铁道车辆在制造和定期检修过程中,车体和转向架都是分开制造和修理的。转向架一前一后排着,车体或罐体落在两个转向架上。前后转向架的两根摇枕总不能位于同一平面内,因为它们的支承弹簧既不可能一样高,也不可能精确到有相同的柔度。支承结 First, the type of choice of heart plate Spherical heart plate and flat heart plate is commonly used: two kinds of heart plate. The structure is shown in FIG. Some railroads, such as the Hungarian state-owned railways, use mostly spherical ball-bearings, whereas trucks in other countries (the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom) use almost flat-type platens. Some tanks equipped with flat plates are more unstable than tanks with spherical plates. These tankers are often derailed on poorly maintained lines; it is particularly noteworthy that heavy truck tankers have much more derailments than empty ones, and it is necessary to investigate the phenomenon in detail, to study how the undercarriage is supported on bogies Center of the connection. During the manufacturing and regular maintenance of railway vehicles, the bodywork and bogies are separately manufactured and repaired. The bogies are lined up one after the other, with the body or tank falling on two bogies. The two bolsters of the front and rear bogies can not always lie in the same plane because their support springs can neither be as high nor exactly as flexible. Support knot
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本文着重从轮轨粘着方面,对怎样提高重载列车牵引力问题作了综合探讨。认为使用现有货运机车,采用双机或多机牵引是提高重载列车牵引力既简便又有效的途径。 This article f