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在北京房地产圈里,不管是开发商还是广告公司创新的意识很强,但落实在项目上的却不多。不难理解,开发商费尽苦心拿到地,赚钱当然是最初的目标,也是最后的目标。可具体到做成一个什么样的产品,其实他们自己心里也没底。虽然也都明白想法和现实毕竟是两回事,市场是真实的,也是残酷的,可是还是无法抗拒金钱的强力吸引,来趟这汪混水。干了十几年房地产的资深人士评价北京,也是一脸的懊恼,理性的东西太少,规律性的东西也不多。其实再全面的市场调查也不能把一千多万人口拉出来做个民意测验,政府都没这个魄力,更何况是开发商。另外,北京房地产市场还有这么一个怪现象,就是真实科学的市场调查,也不见得市场认可。以往每到年末,总有行家们对新的一年大加幻想,品头论足,但真正实现的却不多。这不仅有失专家的面子,也让这个 In the real estate circle in Beijing, whether it is developers or advertising companies, there is a strong sense of innovation, but there are not many projects implemented. Is not difficult to understand, developers painstakingly get to make money, of course, is the initial goal, but also the last goal. Can be made into what kind of product, in fact, their own heart did not end. Although I also understand that the idea and the reality are two different things after all, the market is real and cruel, but I still can not resist the strong attraction of money. Do more than a decade real estate veteran evaluation of Beijing, is also a look of annoyance, too few rational things, regularity is not much. In fact, a more comprehensive market survey can not pull out more than 10 million people to make a public opinion poll. The government did not have the courage, not to mention the developer. In addition, the Beijing real estate market there is such a strange phenomenon, that is, a real scientific market research, but also not necessarily recognized by the market. Every past year, there are always experts who fantasize about the New Year and give their full explanation, but not many have actually realized it. This is not only the face of experts, but also let this
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