通什地税局:展地税风采 助山城腾飞

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通什市地方税务局肩负着全市地方税收的征收管理、税法宣传和税收政策指导等工作,每年组织税款入库约在1300万元左右.连续三年被通什市委、市政府评为“目标管理达标单位”、“人口与计划生育达标单位”、“社会综治先进单位”,97年被省地方税务局评为“扶贫工作先进单位”、“社会主义精神文明建设目标管理优秀单位”,局党支部被市委、市直机关工委评为“先进党支部”.———税收收入持续增长.1994-1996年,全市共组织地方税收入库1680万元,比95年增长13%,创建市以来的最好成绩,比建市前翻了一番,97年度税收任务圆满完成.98年上半年实现了时间过半,税收任务过半的目标.为通什市的经济建设和社会发展作出了积极的贡献.———深化改革,加强征管.一是强化纳税申报制度.采取有效办法,加强了纳税申报的真实性和准确度.现在我市纳税申报面已达95%,申报率达96%以上,准确率达95%.另一方面、加强执法力度,提高税款入库率.二是建立和推行电脑管税.95年投入20万元在市内建立了一个征税服务大厅,实现税务登记、纳税申报、税款征收、发票管理、税收咨询等一条龙电脑化监控.三是强化税收稽查。几年来,共查处各类偷、漏税案件53起,补罚税款227 Tongshi City Local Taxation Bureau shoulders the work of local tax collection and management, tax publicity and tax policy guidance, and organizes annual tax storage of about 13 million yuan for three consecutive years by the Tongshi municipal government as “ Target management standard unit ”,“ population and family planning standard unit ”,“ advanced unit of social comprehensive management ”, in 1997 by the provincial local tax bureau as“ advanced unit of poverty alleviation work ”,“ excellent target of socialism spiritual civilization construction management unit ” , Bureau Party branch by the municipal Party committee, city hall organ called the “advanced party branch.” - - Tax revenue continued to grow 1994-1996, the city organized a total of 16.8 million yuan of local tax revenue, an increase of 13% over 1995, The best score since the founding of the city doubled from that before the establishment of the city and the successful completion of the tax task for 1997. The goal of over half of the time and over half of the tax tasks was fulfilled in the first half of 1998. To make economic and social development in Tungshi City Positive contribution .--- Deepening reforms to strengthen the collection and management.One is to strengthen the tax reporting system.To take effective measures to strengthen the truthfulness and accuracy of the tax returns.Now tax returns in our city has reached 9 5%, the reporting rate of 96% or more, the accuracy rate of 95% .On the other hand, strengthen law enforcement efforts to improve the rate of tax storage .Two is the establishment and implementation of computer tax .2005 invested 200000 yuan in the city to establish A tax service hall, to achieve tax registration, tax returns, tax collection, invoice management, tax advice, one-stop computer monitoring. Third, to strengthen tax audits. Over the past few years, a total of 53 kinds of cases of tax evasion and tax evasion have been investigated and handled, with a total amount of tax causation of 227
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在湖南地区发现两种类似的血红蛋白变异物——Hb 双峰(Hb Shuangfeng,简写 HbSF)〔α27(B8)Glu→Lys〕和 HbE〔β26(B8)GlU→Lys〕。前者不稳定,先证者表现感冒服药后溶血发
热原的鲎试验法,自1972年 Cooper 氏首先应用于注射剂检查以来,国外已积累了许多资料。它与家兔法比较具有方法简便、快速、可靠、灵敏度高,且能定量,无生物差异等优点。美
走进漯河,你一定会为它飞速的发展和优美文明的环境所叹服; 走近漂河地税人,你一定会被他们执着追求的精神风貌所感动。 这是一支为了税收事业艰苦奋斗的“威武之师”,这更