Characterization of some biological control agents from rice seeds in China and in the Philippines

来源 :Chinese Rice Research Newsletter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andychinajj
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It is well known that rice seed contains large amount of seedborne bacterialpathogens. However, little is known about antagonistic bacteria of the rice seed.This survey was taken to understand the difference of the biological agents of therice seed in the Philippines(tropic)and in Zhejiang Province of China(subtropoic), to exploit the biodiversity for sustainable management of the majordiseases of rice. The field survey was conducted, and 116 and 129 seed samples However, little is known about antagonistic bacteria of the rice seed. This survey was taken to understand the difference of the biological agents of therice seed in the Philippines (tropic) and in Zhejiang Province of China (subtropoic), to exploit the biodiversity for sustainable management of the majordiseases of rice. The field survey was conducted, and 116 and 129 seed samples
充分利用秋季光、热、水最为丰富的自然优势 ,发展玉米套种秋马铃薯 ,是农村稳粮增收的有效途径之一。据会泽县多点调查和试验示范 ,每667m2 产玉米700~800kg、鲜薯1000~1200kg,综合产值1500元以上 ,扣除生
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为了适应山海关区旅游市场发展要求 ,近年来 ,该区种植鲜食玉米面积不断扩展 ,不仅提高了农民收入 ,满足了游客的需求 ,并取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益。其主要栽培技术是
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