Pharmacognosic Identification of Dendrobium densiflorum

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foreverfreedom5
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[Objective] To identify the pharmacognosic characteristics of Dendrobium densiflorum,so as to provide the scientific evidence for its identification and application.[Method]The original plant identification,morphological and microscopic identification were used to identify Dendrobium densiflorum.[Result] Dendrobium densiflorum was exclusive in original plant identification,morphological and microscopic identification.[Conclusion] Dendrobium densiflorum can be completely identified by this simple and reliable method. [Objective] To identify the pharmacognosic characteristics of Dendrobium densiflorum, so as to provide the scientific evidence for its identification and application. [Method] The original plant identification, morphological and microscopic identification were used to identify Dendrobium densiflorum. [Result] Dendrobium densiflorum was exclusive in original plant identification, morphological and microscopic identification. [Conclusion] Dendrobium densiflorum can be completely identified by this simple and reliable method.
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