以“以侨搭桥”发展“侨牌经济” 玉林:侨商沃土 森林花园

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玉林是广西最大的侨乡,祖籍玉林的海外华侨超百万,主要分布在东南亚和美国、加拿大、英国等国家,玉林籍港澳同胞约10万人。具一定规模的侨属非公企业在玉林有200多家,其中在容县注册的华侨企业就有50多家。侨资企业已成为玉林经济建设中最具活力的生力军之一2013年9月24日,2013中国城市森林建设座谈会在江苏省南京市召开,全国绿化委员会、国家林业局正式授予玉林市“国家森林城市”称号。这是玉林市继今年4月荣获“全国绿化模范城市”之后获得的又一张重量级绿色名片。历史悠久的古城玉林,广西壮族自治区辖下的一个地级市和第四大城市,地处广西东南部,东与梧州市、广东省茂名市相邻,南与北海市、广东省湛江市毗连,西与钦州市、南宁市交界,北与贵港市接壤位于粤桂两省区交界处,是桂东南地区政治、经济、文化和交通中心,是泛珠三角经济区和中国-东盟自由贸易区的结合部,是我国东部西进、西部东进最便捷。 Yulin is the largest hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangxi. The ancestral hometown of Yulin is over a million overseas Chinese, mainly in Southeast Asia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries. About 100,000 people live in Yulin, Hong Kong and Macao. Overseas Chinese with a certain size have more than 200 non-public enterprises in Yulin, of which there are more than 50 overseas Chinese enterprises registered in Rong County. Overseas-funded enterprises have become one of the most dynamic new forces in the economic construction of Yulin 2013, September 24, 2013 China Urban Construction Forum was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The National Greening Committee and the State Forestry Administration formally awarded Yulin “ National Forest City ”title. This is Yulin City, following the April this year, won the “national green model city” after another heavyweight green business card. Yulin, a historic ancient city, is a prefecture-level city and the fourth largest city under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is located in the southeastern part of Guangxi. It is adjacent to Wuzhou City in the east and Maoming City in Guangdong Province in the east. It borders on Beihai City in the south and Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province , The west borders Qinzhou and Nanning, the border between Guiyang and Guigang in the west is located at the junction of the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi. It is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of southeastern Guangxi and the Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Area and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area The combination of the west of our country into the west, east into the most convenient.