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自2008年上半年以来,受全球金融危机影响,新疆番茄加工出口企业利润率有所下降,承受能力暂时减弱,已引起各方关注。新疆番茄加工出口业在对外贸易中占有举足轻重的地位,前不久我们通过新疆罐头协会和相关出口企业对该行业出口企业承受能力情况进行了调研。我区番茄酱出口情况新疆番茄加工出口企业的出口产品主要以番茄酱为主,出口额占该行业出口额的95%以上。1978年以来,凭借优越的地缘优势和产业政策,新疆番茄种植加工业发展迅猛,现已成为全球番茄种植和加工的三大中心之一。据统计:2007年新疆出口番茄酱53.3万吨,出口额约3.2亿美元,占同期全国该类产品出口总值的58.6%。据乌 Since the first half of 2008, affected by the global financial crisis, the profit margin of the export-oriented tomato processing and exporting enterprises in Xinjiang has declined and the affordability has temporarily weakened, which has drawn the attention of all parties. Tomato processing and exporting industry in Xinjiang occupies a pivotal position in foreign trade. Not long ago, we conducted a survey on the carrying capacity of export enterprises in this industry through the Xinjiang Canned Food Association and related export enterprises. Ketchup export situation in our region Xinjiang tomato processing export enterprises mainly export products mainly tomato paste, the export volume of the industry accounted for more than 95% of exports. Since 1978, Xinjiang’s tomato planting and processing industry has developed rapidly with its superior geographical advantages and industrial policies. It has become one of the three major centers for tomato cultivation and processing in the world. Statistics show that in 2007, Xinjiang exported 533,000 tons of tomato paste with an export value of about 320 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 58.6% of the total value of such products in the country in the same period. According to Ukraine
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